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3 Bedroom Apartments for Rent in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN
25 Rentals Available


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Average rent in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN

$1,250/mo I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN average rental price, March 2024
Image Average Rent

The average monthly rent for an apartment in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN is around $1,250.

I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN apartment rent ranges

A share of 3% of apartments in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN have the cheapest rents between $501-$700. Around 14% of rentals are in the most expensive price range of $1,501-$2,000. Around 19% of I65 - South Emerson’s apartments have monthly rents between $701-$1,000. There are 62% of apartments with rents between $1,001-$1,500.

I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN rent trends

Getting around in I65 - South Emerson, IN

38 /100
30 /100
Some Transit
35 /100
Somewhat Bikeable
Walk Score®: 38, Transit Score®: 30, Bike Score®: 35

Frequently asked questions

What is the price of a 3 bedroom apartment in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN?

The price range of a 3 bedroom apartment is between $1,650 and $1,685. Search 3 bedroom apartments in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN.

How many 3 bedroom apartments for rent are available in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN on RentCafe?

There are 2 3 bedroom rentals available on RentCafe. Prices and availability in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN were last updated on 24 Apr 2024.

What is the average size of a 3 bedroom apartment in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN?

The average I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN 3 bedroom apartment size is 1,352 sq. ft.

What are the advantages of renting a 3 bedroom apartment in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN?

Renting a 3 bedroom apartment offers extra space compared to a 2 bedroom apartment, suited for a family or for sharing it with someone else.

What are the downsides of renting a 3 bedroom apartment in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN?

A 3 bedroom apartment is more expensive than smaller units and it usually comes with higher utility costs. You might be interested in studio apartments, 1 bedroom apartments or 2 bedroom apartments, or browse all RentCafe apartments for rent in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN.

I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN demographics

  • 40,725Total Population
  • 21,297 Female
    19,428 Male
  • 36.8Median Age

In total, I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN has 40,725 residents, 21,297 women and 19,428 men, per U.S. Census recent estimates. Statistics show that the median age of I65 - South Emerson’s population is 36.8.

I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN households

  • 10,571 Family
    5,972 Non-family
  • 4,491 Children
    12,052 No Children
  • 16,543Total Number of Households
  • 2.45Average People Per Household
  • $71,469Median Household Income

There is a total of 16,543 households in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN. Of these, 4,491 have children and 12,052 are without children. Per Census Bureau’s most current estimates, 10,571 family households and 5,972 non-family households live in this area. The size of a household in I65 - South Emerson is 2.45 people, on average. The median household annual income in I65 - South Emerson equals $71,469, and the monthly housing costs equal $1,081.

I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN education statistics

According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 2% of the population in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN have no high school education, 33% went to high-school, and 24% have partially completed college. Moreover, 8% of the population hold an Associate Degree, 23% hold a Bachelor Degree, and 10% hold a Graduate Degree.

Renting a 3 bedroom apartment in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN

Looks like you’ve already found the neighborhood you want to live in. You think I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN is the perfect place for you to be in and we think you made a good choice. Now you need to choose an apartment that matches your lifestyle. It doesn’t just boil down to the number of bedrooms or if there’s a dining room, the building amenities are equally important. If you like to invite over other couples for a delicious BBQ and a beer, then it certainly helps if the building has a BBQ area. If you’re a morning person, why not enjoy a delicious omelet with some hot, dark coffee on your balcony every weekend. Maybe your world revolves around fitness, and you like to kick-start even your toughest weekdays with a morning workout. In this case a building with a gym would be ideal, as you’d rather walk up 10 flights of stairs than drive a car for 10 blocks to get to your gym. Moving is the perfect opportunity to make life a little bit sweeter and more convenient. With our 25 available units in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN we’re here to help you find the perfect place to call home. Whether you’d like a BBQ area, balcony or a gym you can select it in the filters section.

Tools and tips to help you find cheap apartments in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN

In today’s market, good deals are not a dime a dozen. The average price for renting an apartment in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN is $1,704, but prices can climb as high as $2,894. There are a couple of things to consider when renting: location, square footage, quality of finishes and price. If you are willing to overlook one criteria, you may get a bit more for your money. You and only you can make a decision. Where we come in, is showing you how to track down the cheap ones from the 25 listings for rent in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN. The hunt for cheap 3 bedroom apartments can be as easy as opening an e-mail if you follow our advice. While searching for apartments in I65 - South Emerson, Indianapolis, IN, select in the filters section your must-haves and sort the results by price. Then click Save Search and type in your e-mail address. You will receive a customized selection of apartments as they become available.

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