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Pet-Friendly Apartments for Rent in Auburn City, CA
4 Rentals Available

  • Today

    160 E. Placer Street, Auburn, CA 95603
    1 BED Ask for Pricing
    2 BEDS $1,950
  • Today

    788 Mikkelsen Drive, Auburn, CA 95603
    2 BEDS $2,375
  • Today

    12100 Persimmon Terrace, Auburn, CA 95603
    1 BED Ask for Pricing
    2 BEDS $1,975
  • Today

    385 Sacramento St., Auburn, CA 95603
    1 BED $1,560
    2 BEDS $1,725

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Getting around in Auburn City, CA

71 /100
Very Walkable
25 /100
Somewhat Bikeable
Walk Score®: 71, Bike Score®: 25

Frequently asked questions

How many pet-friendly rentals are available in Auburn City, CA on RentCafe?

There are 4 pet-friendly rentals available on RentCafe. Prices and availability in Auburn City, CA were last updated on 9 May 2024.

What is the average size of a pet-friendly apartment in Auburn City, CA?

The average Auburn City, CA pet-friendly apartment size is 770 sq. ft.

What are the advantages of renting a pet-friendly apartment in Auburn City, CA?

Pet-friendly apartments are usually larger and located in a community that offers pet-focused amenities.

What are the downsides of renting a pet-friendly apartment in Auburn City, CA?

Renting a pet-friendly apartment comes with a higher rent and a pet deposit. You might be interested in studio apartments, 1 bedroom apartments, 2 bedroom apartments or 3 bedroom apartments, or browse all RentCafe apartments for rent in Auburn City, CA.

Look for pet friendly apartments near me

Are you looking to move into a new apartment with your furry, best friend? Are you afraid of not finding a place that allows pets? You can now look for pet-friendly apartments near you, anywhere in the U.S., check if they accept dogs or cats, and find out what is the pet deposit and pet rent. Select your favorite apartments that fit your needs and well as your pet's needs, using fiters for size, amenities and so much more.

Search in your neighborhood, ZIP code, and beyond to find the ideal apartment near you or wherever you and your pets plan on moving to. Whether it's next to a dog park, a pet store, a veterinary, or a pet friendly mall or coffee shop, you can find exactly what you are looking for right on RentCafe - let's find it now!

Renting a pet-friendly apartment in Auburn City, CA

Your fuzzy little bird, your soft ball-of-fur kitten or your loyal service dog are quintessential to your happiness, yet your previous landlord failed to adjust their requirements to your feelings and needs. Finding rental properties suitable for your fluffy friends in Auburn City, CA is indeed no easy task, as they might be considered little troublemakers. But hold on, fellow pet-parent, because we have you covered! Your pet can now share your nest, because RentCafe gives you the opportunity to search through 4 properties in Auburn City, CA and find pet-friendly housing that suits your needs. You can even filter the listings for cat-friendly and dog-friendly rentals separately! Affordable pet-friendly rooms are waiting for you, with prices starting from $1,560 up to $2,375. We are confident that at least one of our 4 pet-friendly units will measure up to your expectations, so you and your pet can live together happily ever after, as snug as a bug in a rug.

Auburn City, CA pet-friendly apartments are sometimes not so friendly

One of the major problems encountered by pet-parents has to do with breed restrictions, given that many apartments are not pit bull friendly rentals or large breed dog friendly apartments. Some properties are being extra cautious about certain breeds, because they just don’t get it that your Sparky is more than a destructive tail-wagger. So, you ask yourself “how to rent with a pit bull”? Worrying about where to you can find apartments that allow pit bulls? Even though it looks like an impossible task, it is not. RentCafe has 4 no breed restriction apartments in Auburn City, CA for as low as $1,560. Even though it is not easy to rent with a pit bull, your goofy best friend has nothing to worry about. In a 827 Sqft rental, your buddy won’t feel caged and cheerless, but happy like a toddler on Christmas morning. You can also contact property managers directly to see if their apartment is suitable for you and your pet.

Finding a home nearby is easier than you think. Check out our Apartments Near Me page and take your pick!