Articles by
Mirela Mohan
Mirela is a real estate writer and lifestyle editor for Yardi. With an academic background in English and translation, Mirela now covers a range of topics including real estate trends, lifestyle and economy. Her previous experience in proofreading academic articles has inspired Mirela to choose a writing career path. In her free time, Mirela enjoys reading, but also hiking and creating art. You can contact Mirela via email.
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12 Practical Ideas To Organize Your Austin Home Office
A pristine and organized space is what most people need to work successfully, whether they’re at the office or working from home. Austin is one…
10 Shops to Help Get Your LA Home To The Shabby Chic Side
Los Angeles is known for its wealth of innovative interior design shops, but it’s also brimming with an incredible array of stores that appeal to…
12 Things That Make Tampa A Great Place To Move To (And A Few Extra Tips From Locals)
Are you thinking about moving to the Tampa area? Whether it’s the warm and sunny weather or the availability of jobs and affordability, the city…
6 Tips and Tricks To Keep Clutter At Bay in Your Children’s Rooms
Before you allow your children’s rooms to become cluttered with toys, clothing and other things, it’s better to take charge of the situation and get…
Highs and Lows of Home Size Evolution: Houses Are Getting Larger While Apartments Are Shrinking
As the COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily changed the way we work, travel, and the way we carry out our lives, our homes have suddenly acquired…
How to Keep Your Las Vegas Home Organized: 10 Creative Decluttering Ideas
Right now, many of us are spending a lot of time at home working remotely or simply limiting social contact. With all this time spent…
Book Storage in Seattle: 10 Ideas for Your Tiny Apartment
You’ve recently moved into your first apartment, and things look quite challenging space-wise. Yes, we all know Seattle rentals are rather small, with average square…
5 of the Best Self Storage Facilities in Fort Worth, Texas
Well known as a great place to find contemporary western cuisine, among other things, Fort Worth is an attractive city for new arrivals that has…
5 of the Best Self Storage Facilities in Fresno, Calif.
Not only the Raisin Capitol of the US but also home to awe-inspiring underground gardens, the city of Fresno has a lot to offer its…
8 Things You Need to Know About Springfield, Ore. Before Moving There
If you’ve set sights on Springfield, Ore. as your next moving destination, you’re in for a treat. The acclaimed TV show The Simpsons may have…
7 Ways in Which Self Storage Can Help Businesses Grow
No great business is great enough unless you’re considering the unpredictable. However, you shouldn’t just anticipate the occasional challenge, but you should also be prepared…
5 of the Biggest 2019 Self Storage Deliveries in San Antonio
The self storage business in San Antonio is following a rather counterintuitive pattern. With overall street rates declining steadily, the amount of self storage projects—either…