El Paso, TX Rental Market Trends
What is the average rent in El Paso?
The average rent for an apartment in El Paso is $1,081. The cost of rent varies depending on several factors, including location, size, and quality.
Average rent in El Paso, TX
Average Rent | Average Apartment Size |
$1,081 | 822 sq. ft. |
What is the average apartment size in El Paso?
The average size for a El Paso, TX apartment is 822 square feet, but this number varies greatly depending on unit type, with cheap and luxury alternatives for houses and apartments alike. Studio apartments are the smallest and most affordable, 1-bedroom apartments are closer to the average, while 2-bedroom apartments and 3-bedroom apartments offer a more generous square footage.
El Paso, TX apartment rent ranges
El Paso, TX Occupied Housing Units
97,067 or 41% of the households in El Paso, TX are renter-occupied while 142,557 or 59% are owner-occupied.
El Paso, TX rent trends

Average Rent in El Paso, TX By Neighborhood
City | Average Rent |
Paseos del Sol | $1,292 |
Southview | $1,292 |
Castner Range - Fort Bliss Military Reservation | $1,282 |
North Hills | $1,282 |
Las Tierras | $1,235 |
Americas | $1,168 |
East Glen | $1,168 |
Glen Cove | $1,168 |
Indian Ridge | $1,168 |
Las Palmas | $1,168 |
Los Paseos | $1,168 |
Marty Robbins | $1,168 |
Montana | $1,168 |
O'Shea Keleher | $1,168 |
Quail Run | $1,168 |
Ranchos del Sol | $1,168 |
Saint Vitus | $1,168 |
Sandy Creek | $1,168 |
Stanton Heights - Loma Linda | $1,168 |
Stone Ridge | $1,168 |
Vista Del Sol East | $1,168 |
Vista Hills | $1,168 |
Vista Hills East | $1,168 |
Vista Real | $1,168 |
Grandview | $1,147 |
Highland Park | $1,147 |
Manhattan Heights | $1,147 |
Military Heights | $1,147 |
Morningside Heights | $1,147 |
Summit Place | $1,147 |
Franklin State Park | $1,136 |
Milagro Hills | $1,135 |
Shearman Park | $1,135 |
Bandolero - Tarascas | $1,129 |
Coronado | $1,129 |
Lakehurst | $1,129 |
Mountain Arroyos | $1,129 |
Thunderbird | $1,129 |
Upper Mesa Hills | $1,129 |
Pebble Brook | $1,128 |
Pico Norte | $1,128 |
Vista Hills Park | $1,128 |
Borderland | $1,122 |
Montoya Heights | $1,118 |
Mesa Hills | $1,104 |
Mission Hills | $1,104 |
Chihuahuita | $1,047 |
Eucalyptus | $1,047 |
Magoffin | $1,047 |
Vista de Oro | $1,030 |
Vista Del Sol West | $1,030 |
Castner Heights | $1,028 |
Logan Heights | $1,012 |
Mountain Park - Sunrise | $1,012 |
Mountain View - Dolphin | $983 |
East Bank | $982 |
Lindberg | $982 |
Valley Creek North | $982 |
Valley Creek South | $982 |
West Green | $982 |
West Valley | $982 |
Album | $974 |
Cielo Vista | $974 |
Cork - Scotsdale | $974 |
Eastwood Heights | $974 |
El Paso Airport | $974 |
Travis White | $974 |
Lincoln Park | $974 |
Five Points | $931 |
Buena Vista - Hidden Valley | $927 |
Cedar Grove | $927 |
Hacienda Heights - Sageland | $927 |
Ranchland | $927 |
Rosedale Farms | $927 |
Stiles Garden | $927 |
Thomas Manor | $927 |
Shawver Park | $923 |
Yucca | $923 |
Ysleta | $923 |
Sunset Heights | $904 |
Golden Hill | $883 |
Houston Park- El Paso High | $883 |
Kern Place | $883 |
Angel's Triangle | $864 |
What are the most affordable neighborhoods in El Paso?
The most affordable neighborhoods in El Paso are Angel's Triangle, where the average rent goes for $864/month, Golden Hill, where renters pay $883/mo on average, and Houston Park- El Paso High, where the average rent goes for $883/mo. If you’re looking for other great deals, check out the listings from Kern Place ($883), Sunset Heights ($904), and Ysleta ($923), where the asking prices are below the average El Paso rent of $1,081/mo.
What are the most expensive neighborhoods in El Paso?
The most expensive neighborhoods in El Paso are North Hills ($1,282), Paseos del Sol ($1,292) and Southview ($1,292).
What are the most popular neighborhoods in El Paso?
The most popular neighborhood in El Paso is Upper Mesa Hills, where there are 7 listings with an average rent of $1,129. Next up is Las Tierras, where apartments go for $1,235/month, followed by Sunset Heights with $904 If you’re looking to rent in El Paso’s most popular neighborhoods, make sure to also check out Borderland, where renters pay $1,122 on average, and Cielo Vista, where the average monthly rent is $974.
El Paso | Rent Comparison by Neighborhood
Rent in Album is 17% lower than in Americas
Album rent is 10% lower than El Paso average
Americas rent is 8% higher than El Paso average
How El Paso Compares to Other Cities
State | Average Rent |
Houston | $1,355 |
Dallas | $1,580 |
Austin | $1,696 |
San Antonio | $1,291 |
Fort Worth | $1,443 |
Irving | $1,512 |
Plano | $1,736 |
Katy | $1,595 |
El Paso | $1,081 |
Arlington | $1,377 |
Denton | $1,636 |
Las Cruces | $1,227 |
Horizon City | $1,292 |
What is the average price for a storage unit in El Paso?
The average rent for a non-climate-controlled 10'x10' storage unit in El Paso is $112.39. Rental costs vary depending on several factors, including unit size and the storage facility's location and amenities.