Stockton, CA Rental Market Trends
What is the average rent in Stockton?
The average rent for an apartment in Stockton is $1,669. The cost of rent varies depending on several factors, including location, size, and quality.
Average rent in Stockton, CA
Average Rent | Average Apartment Size |
$1,669 | 801 sq. ft. |
What is the average apartment size in Stockton?
The average size for a Stockton, CA apartment is 801 square feet, but this number varies greatly depending on unit type, with cheap and luxury alternatives for houses and apartments alike. Studio apartments are the smallest and most affordable, 1-bedroom apartments are closer to the average, while 2-bedroom apartments and 3-bedroom apartments offer a more generous square footage.
Stockton, CA apartment rent ranges
Stockton, CA Occupied Housing Units
46,850 or 48% of the households in Stockton, CA are renter-occupied while 50,125 or 52% are owner-occupied.
Stockton, CA rent trends

Average Rent in Stockton, CA By Neighborhood
City | Average Rent |
Alpine Manor | $2,117 |
Avondale | $2,117 |
Bours Park | $2,117 |
Calaveras Estates | $2,117 |
Caldwell Village | $2,117 |
College View | $2,117 |
Country Club Estates | $2,117 |
Garden Homes | $2,117 |
Highland Park | $2,117 |
Lomita Park | $2,117 |
Mission Village | $2,117 |
Northcrest | $2,117 |
Northern Stockton | $2,117 |
Oxford Manor | $2,117 |
Pacific Gardens | $2,117 |
Pacific Manor | $2,117 |
Pacific Villas | $2,117 |
Palm Haven | $2,117 |
Plymouth Village | $2,117 |
River Terrace | $2,117 |
River Walk | $2,117 |
Riviera Cliffs | $2,117 |
Sperry | $2,117 |
Stockton River Gardens | $2,117 |
Tuxedo Country Club Villas | $2,117 |
Tuxedo Park | $2,117 |
Browns | $2,014 |
Lake Park | $1,938 |
Brookside Estates | $1,787 |
Brookside West | $1,787 |
Cape Cottages | $1,787 |
Cavendish Square | $1,787 |
Falconcrest | $1,787 |
Lincoln Village West | $1,787 |
Spanos Park West | $1,787 |
The Landing | $1,787 |
Twin Creeks Estates | $1,787 |
Victorian Estates | $1,787 |
Bear Creek Estates | $1,783 |
Colonial Estates | $1,783 |
Colonial Estates North | $1,783 |
Colonial Heights | $1,783 |
Colonial West | $1,783 |
Elkhorn Golf Course Estates | $1,783 |
Newport Villas | $1,783 |
Northbrook | $1,783 |
Oak Grove Estates | $1,783 |
Rancho San Joaquin | $1,783 |
Royal Oaks | $1,783 |
Spanos Park | $1,783 |
Stonewood | $1,783 |
Stonewood Estates | $1,783 |
Summer Lane at Destinations | $1,783 |
Sussex Gardens | $1,783 |
Villa Theresa | $1,783 |
Wagner Heights | $1,783 |
Wagner Oaks | $1,783 |
Western Valley Estates | $1,783 |
Windmill Park | $1,783 |
Avalon | $1,780 |
Blossom Ranch | $1,780 |
Camera | $1,780 |
Heather Moor Estates | $1,780 |
Hunter Ridge | $1,780 |
La Morada | $1,780 |
Morada Estates North | $1,780 |
Morada Ranch | $1,780 |
Mosher Manor | $1,780 |
Oak Creek | $1,780 |
Riverbend | $1,780 |
Shadow Lake Mobile Home Park | $1,780 |
Sonata | $1,780 |
Villa Antinori Estates | $1,780 |
Villa Tuscany | $1,780 |
Beechwood Commons | $1,675 |
Cal Villa Estates | $1,602 |
Colonial Estates South | $1,602 |
Glenbrook Park | $1,602 |
Holiday Park | $1,602 |
Mayfair | $1,602 |
Meadowmont | $1,602 |
Mission Park | $1,602 |
Northbank Commons | $1,602 |
Oakridge | $1,602 |
Pacific Commons | $1,602 |
Pacific Oaks | $1,602 |
Parkwoods | $1,602 |
Quail Lakes | $1,602 |
Quail Ridge | $1,602 |
Sherwood Manor | $1,602 |
Sunpointe | $1,602 |
Swain Oaks Manor | $1,602 |
Venetian Bridges | $1,602 |
Venetian Gardens | $1,602 |
Victorian Village | $1,602 |
Villa Dorado | $1,602 |
Weberstown | $1,602 |
Hillsboro Estates | $1,574 |
Villages | $1,547 |
Bungalow Park | $1,530 |
Burkett Acres | $1,530 |
Burkett Villas | $1,530 |
El Ricado Terrace | $1,530 |
Elm | $1,530 |
Fair Oaks North | $1,530 |
Lafayette Park | $1,530 |
Montego | $1,530 |
Oakmore Meadows | $1,530 |
Oaks | $1,530 |
Southpark | $1,530 |
Villa | $1,530 |
West Jackson | $1,530 |
Copper Mill | $1,525 |
Loch Lomond Terrace | $1,525 |
Charlotte Oaks | $1,426 |
Clairmont Place | $1,426 |
Country Greens | $1,426 |
El Dorado Village | $1,426 |
Enclave at Hammertown | $1,426 |
Ferndale Meadows | $1,426 |
Fox Creek | $1,426 |
Franciscan Plaza | $1,426 |
Friendly Village | $1,426 |
Hammer West | $1,426 |
Imperial Stockton | $1,426 |
Normandy Provence | $1,426 |
Normandy Village | $1,426 |
Park North | $1,426 |
Rainewood | $1,426 |
San Ramon Terrace | $1,426 |
Sierra Meadows | $1,426 |
Sperry Ranch | $1,426 |
Summerplace | $1,426 |
The Pines Mobile Home Estates | $1,426 |
Vista North | $1,426 |
Weber Grove | $1,426 |
Weber Ranch | $1,426 |
West Lake | $1,426 |
Westmora Terrace | $1,426 |
Westwood Estates | $1,426 |
Nightingale Manor | $1,388 |
Downtown Stockton | $1,272 |
City Park Terrace | $1,266 |
Lakeview | $1,266 |
Louis Park Estates | $1,266 |
San Francisco Naval Communication | $1,266 |
Stockton Acres | $1,266 |
Wilshire | $1,266 |
Yosemite Terrace | $1,266 |
Boggs | $1,200 |
Bridgeport | $934 |
Corona Park | $934 |
Fairview Terrace | $934 |
Gillis | $934 |
Golf Course Terrace | $934 |
Knights | $934 |
Little John Creek | $934 |
Moss Garden East | $934 |
Old Oak Estates | $934 |
Parkview Estate | $934 |
Rancho Del Sol | $934 |
River Estates | $934 |
Seabreeze | $934 |
Seven Oaks | $934 |
Sharps Lane Villas | $934 |
Stockton Metropolitan Airport | $934 |
Sunset Estates | $934 |
Weston Ranch | $934 |
Westside Estates | $934 |
What are the most affordable neighborhoods in Stockton?
The most affordable neighborhoods in Stockton are Bridgeport, where the average rent goes for $934/month, Corona Park, where renters pay $934/mo on average, and Fairview Terrace, where the average rent goes for $934/mo. If you’re looking for other great deals, check out the listings from Gillis ($934), Golf Course Terrace ($934), and Knights ($934), where the asking prices are below the average Stockton rent of $1,669/mo.
What are the most expensive neighborhoods in Stockton?
The most expensive neighborhoods in Stockton are Stockton River Gardens ($2,117), Tuxedo Country Club Villas ($2,117) and Tuxedo Park ($2,117).
What are the most popular neighborhoods in Stockton?
The most popular neighborhood in Stockton is Brookside Estates, where there are 2 listings with an average rent of $1,787. Next up is Downtown Stockton, where apartments go for $1,272/month, followed by Falconcrest with $1,787 If you’re looking to rent in Stockton’s most popular neighborhoods, make sure to also check out Lincoln Village West, where renters pay $1,787 on average, and Bridgeport, where the average monthly rent is $934.
Stockton | Rent Comparison by Neighborhood
Rent in Alpine Manor is 19% higher than in Avalon
Alpine Manor rent is 27% higher than Stockton average
Avalon rent is 7% higher than Stockton average
How Stockton Compares to Other Cities
State | Average Rent |
Los Angeles | $2,761 |
San Francisco | $3,313 |
East Bay | $2,570 |
San Diego | $3,001 |
Sacramento | $1,898 |
Long Beach | $2,629 |
San Jose | $3,036 |
Oakland | $2,581 |
Tulare | $1,732 |
Fresno | $1,592 |
Stockton | $1,669 |
Pittsburg | $2,281 |
Modesto | $1,711 |
Tracy | $2,449 |
Antioch | $2,083 |
Elk Grove | $2,277 |
Lodi | $1,910 |
Pleasanton | $2,730 |
Manteca | $2,044 |
Lathrop | $2,390 |
Livermore | $2,613 |
What is the average price for a storage unit in Stockton?
The average rent for a non-climate-controlled 10'x10' storage unit in Stockton is $118.7. Rental costs vary depending on several factors, including unit size and the storage facility's location and amenities.