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Apartments for Rent in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA
75 Rentals Available

  • Today

    45 Brosnan St, San Francisco, CA 94103
  • Today

    240 Dolores St, San Francisco, CA 94103
    STUDIO $2,499
    1 BED $2,949
    2 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    140 Duboce Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
    STUDIO $2,245
  • Today

    630-36 Guerrero Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
    2 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    179 Dolores Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
    STUDIO Ask for Pricing
    1 BED Ask for Pricing
    2+ BEDS Ask for Pricing
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  • Today

    1950 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
    STUDIO $1,289
    1 BED $925+
    2+ BEDS $180+
  • Today

    2061 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94110
    STUDIO $2,250
    1 BED $2,850
  • Today

    3875 18Th Street, San Francisco, CA 94114
    2 BEDS $4,125
  • Today

    2911 16Th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
    STUDIO $1,825+
    1 BED $2,850
  • Today

    490 South Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94103
    STUDIO Ask for Pricing
    1 BED $1,549+
    2+ BEDS $3,603
  • Today

    2153-2155 15Th Street, San Francisco, CA 94114
    1 BED Ask for Pricing
    4 BEDS Ask for Pricing
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  • Today

    573 South Van Ness, San Francisco, CA 94110
    1 BED $2,095+
    2 BEDS $2,500+
    3 BEDS $3,550
  • Today

    2 Guerrero Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
    STUDIO Ask for Pricing
    1 BED Ask for Pricing
    2 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    901 Valencia St., San Francisco, CA 94110
  • Today

    15 Hermann Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
    STUDIO Ask for Pricing
    1 BED Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    One Church Street, San Francisco, CA 94114
    1 BED $1,597
    2 BEDS $1,774+
    3 BEDS $1,951
  • Today

    1870 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94109
    STUDIO Ask for Pricing
    1 BED Ask for Pricing
    2 BEDS Ask for Pricing
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    1401 Jones Street, San Francisco, CA 94109
    STUDIO Ask for Pricing
    1 BED Ask for Pricing
    3 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    2600 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94109
    STUDIO Ask for Pricing
    1 BED Ask for Pricing
    2 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    956 Valencia St., San Francisco, CA 94110
  • Today

    1844 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94102
    1 BED Ask for Pricing
    2 BEDS Ask for Pricing
    3 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    50 Laguna Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
    STUDIO $2,215+
  • Today

    3440 20Th Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
    1 BED $2,945
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  • Today

    200 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
    STUDIO Ask for Pricing
    1 BED $3,349+
    2+ BEDS $5,398+
  • Today

    1751 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94109
    STUDIO $2,125
    1 BED $2,395

Popular searches Average rent Renters guide Demographics

Average rent in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA

$3,357/mo Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA average rental price, November 2024
Image Average Rent

The average monthly rent for an apartment in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA is around $3,357.

Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA apartment rent ranges

Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA rent trends

Getting around in Mission Dolores, CA

99 /100
Walker's Paradise
96 /100
Rider's Paradise
97 /100
Biker's Paradise
Walk Score®: 99, Transit Score®: 96, Bike Score®: 97

Frequently asked questions

When were prices and availability in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA last updated?

Prices and availability in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA were last updated on 5 Feb 2025.

What are the best apartments in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA?

The best apartments in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA are: 45 Brosnan, The Mission, 140 DUBOCE Apartments and 630-36 GUERRERO STREET.

What is the average rent in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA?

The average rent in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA is $3,357.

What is the price range for a studio apartment in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA?

The price range for a studio apartment in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA is between $2,245 and $2,499.

What is the price range for a 1-bedroom apartment in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA?

The price range for a 1-bedroom apartment in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA is between $2,949 and $3,049.

What is the price range for a 2-bedroom apartment in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA?

The price range for a 2-bedroom apartment in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA is between $2,499 and $3,049.

What type of rental buildings are in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA?

In Mission Dolores, 65% of the residents are renting compared to 35% owning a home, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Large-scale apartment buildings with more than 50 units represent 28% of Mission Dolores’s rentals, 67% are small-scale complexes with under 50 units, and 4% are single-family rentals.

Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA demographics

  • 7,759Total Population
  • 3,312 Female
    4,448 Male
  • 39Median Age

In total, Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA has 7,759 residents, 3,312 women and 4,448 men, per U.S. Census recent estimates. Statistics show that the median age of Mission Dolores’s population is 39.

Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA households

  • 1,401 Family
    2,154 Non-family
  • 565 Children
    2,989 No Children
  • 3,554Total Number of Households
  • 2.12Average People Per Household
  • $152,115Median Household Income

There is a total of 3,554 households in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA. Of these, 565 have children and 2,989 are without children. Per Census Bureau’s most current estimates, 1,401 family households and 2,154 non-family households live in this area. The size of a household in Mission Dolores is 2.12 people, on average. The median household annual income in Mission Dolores equals $152,115, and the monthly housing costs equal $2,683.

Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA education statistics

According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 6% of the population in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA have no high school education, 15% went to high-school, and 14% have partially completed college. Moreover, 4% of the population hold an Associate Degree, 36% hold a Bachelor Degree, and 26% hold a Graduate Degree.

RentCafe is your one-stop shop for finding a great new apartment in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA. Easily search through a wide selection of apartments for rent in Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA, and view detailed information about available rentals including floor plans, pricing, photos, amenities, interactive maps, and thorough property descriptions. Property owners and managers are one click away, so feel free to contact them and find out all you need to know about the apartment you’re interested in. Browse Mission Dolores, San Francisco, CA apartments with rents starting from $180 and submit your rental application today!

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