Albuquerque, NM Rental Market Trends
What is the average rent in Albuquerque?
The average rent for an apartment in Albuquerque is $1,366. The cost of rent varies depending on several factors, including location, size, and quality.
Average rent in Albuquerque, NM
Average Rent | Average Apartment Size |
$1,366 | 819 sq. ft. |
What is the average apartment size in Albuquerque?
The average size for a Albuquerque, NM apartment is 819 square feet, but this number varies greatly depending on unit type, with cheap and luxury alternatives for houses and apartments alike. Studio apartments are the smallest and most affordable, 1-bedroom apartments are closer to the average, while 2-bedroom apartments and 3-bedroom apartments offer a more generous square footage.
Albuquerque, NM apartment rent ranges
Albuquerque, NM Occupied Housing Units
94,250 or 39% of the households in Albuquerque, NM are renter-occupied while 145,550 or 61% are owner-occupied.
Albuquerque, NM rent trends

Average Rent in Albuquerque, NM By Neighborhood
City | Average Rent |
North Domingo Baca | $2,038 |
West La Cueva | $2,038 |
West Vumoor | $2,038 |
Wildflower | $2,038 |
La Cueva Village | $1,959 |
Nor Este | $1,959 |
Clayton Heights - Lomas Del Cielo | $1,869 |
Kirtland | $1,869 |
Silver Hill | $1,869 |
Summit Park | $1,869 |
Sycamore | $1,869 |
University Heights - North Campus | $1,869 |
Victory Hills | $1,869 |
Yale Village | $1,869 |
Quintessence | $1,834 |
Quivera Estates | $1,834 |
Vineyard Estates | $1,834 |
Cottonwood Corners | $1,616 |
Eagle Ranch | $1,616 |
Piedras Marcadas | $1,616 |
Richland Hills | $1,616 |
Riverfronte Estates | $1,616 |
Skies West | $1,616 |
Stonebridge | $1,616 |
Trails West | $1,616 |
Tres Placitas | $1,616 |
Tuscany - Paloma Del Sol | $1,616 |
Ventana Ranch | $1,616 |
Volcano Trails | $1,584 |
Alban Hills | $1,519 |
Andalucia | $1,519 |
La Luz Del Sol | $1,519 |
Ladera Heights | $1,519 |
Ladera West | $1,519 |
Las Lomitas | $1,519 |
Las Terrazas | $1,519 |
Laurel Wood | $1,519 |
Molten Rock | $1,519 |
Parkway | $1,519 |
Petroglyph Estates | $1,519 |
Quaker Heights | $1,519 |
Rancho Encantada | $1,519 |
Rancho Sereno | $1,519 |
S.R. Marmon | $1,519 |
Santa Fe Village | $1,519 |
Story Rock | $1,519 |
Taylor Ranch | $1,519 |
Tres Volcanes | $1,519 |
Villages of Parkwest | $1,519 |
Vista Grande | $1,519 |
Vista Vieja | $1,519 |
West Bluff | $1,519 |
Academy Estates East | $1,472 |
Academy Hills Park | $1,472 |
Academy Place | $1,472 |
Academy Ridge East | $1,472 |
Antelope Run | $1,472 |
Candlelight Hills - Villa Del Rey | $1,472 |
Cherry Hills | $1,472 |
Cielito Lindo - Candlelight Park | $1,472 |
Eisenhower | $1,472 |
ElDorado Heights | $1,472 |
Glenwood Hills | $1,472 |
High Desert | $1,472 |
Holiday Park | $1,472 |
John B Robert | $1,472 |
La Sala Grande | $1,472 |
Loma Del Rey | $1,472 |
Oso Grande - Lincoln Green | $1,472 |
Osuna Park | $1,472 |
Peppertree Royal Oak | $1,472 |
Prospectors Ridge | $1,472 |
San Gabriel - Mesa Airriba | $1,472 |
Tanoan | $1,472 |
Spruce Park | $1,444 |
San Jose | $1,424 |
Loop Industrial District | $1,411 |
Meadowlark | $1,411 |
Huning Castle | $1,410 |
Los Duranes | $1,410 |
Old Town Albuquerque | $1,410 |
Sawmill | $1,410 |
Thomas Village | $1,410 |
Volcano Cliffs | $1,408 |
Southeast Heights | $1,404 |
Netherwood Park | $1,384 |
Cibola | $1,382 |
Nob Hill | $1,379 |
Academy Acres North | $1,327 |
Albuquerque Meadows | $1,327 |
Arroyo Del Oso | $1,327 |
Bear Canyon | $1,327 |
Countrywood | $1,327 |
Del Norte | $1,327 |
Heritage Hills | $1,327 |
Jade Park | $1,327 |
North Hills | $1,327 |
North Wyoming | $1,327 |
Palomas Park | $1,327 |
San Antonio | $1,327 |
Montgomery Heights - Luecking Park | $1,300 |
Hodgin | $1,259 |
Montgomery Park | $1,259 |
Stardust Skies | $1,259 |
Alamosa | $1,196 |
Andreson Hills | $1,196 |
Avalon | $1,196 |
Los Volcanes | $1,196 |
Skyview West | $1,196 |
Stinson Tower | $1,196 |
Westgate Heights | $1,196 |
Valley Gardens | $1,174 |
Alvarado Gardens | $1,167 |
Rio Grande | $1,167 |
Candelmen | $1,143 |
Eastridge - Monterey Manor | $1,143 |
Enchanted Park | $1,143 |
Indian Hills - Indian Ridge | $1,143 |
Indian Moon | $1,143 |
Jackson | $1,143 |
Kachina Hills | $1,143 |
Matheson Park | $1,143 |
North Eastern Albuquerque | $1,143 |
Onate | $1,143 |
Quail Ridge - Grandview Heights | $1,143 |
Royal Heights North - Breeze at South Peak | $1,143 |
Embudo Canyon | $1,133 |
Princess Jeanne | $1,133 |
Vista Del Mundo | $1,133 |
Inez | $1,132 |
Sombra Del Monte | $1,132 |
Altura | $1,123 |
Alvarado Park | $1,123 |
Fair Heights | $1,123 |
Four Hills Village | $1,123 |
Jerry Cline Park | $1,123 |
Juan Tabo Hills | $1,123 |
Manzano Manor | $1,123 |
Mark Twain | $1,123 |
McDuffie Twin Parks | $1,123 |
McKinley | $1,123 |
Mirabella Miravista | $1,123 |
Mossman | $1,123 |
Pueblo Alto | $1,123 |
Quigley Park | $1,123 |
Sandia | $1,123 |
Sandia Vista | $1,123 |
Singing Arrow | $1,123 |
Snow Heights | $1,123 |
South Los Altos | $1,123 |
Supper Rock - Eastrange Piedra Vista | $1,123 |
Uptown Albuquerque | $1,123 |
Willow Wood | $1,123 |
Winterwood Park | $1,123 |
Bel Air | $1,112 |
Downtown Albuquerque | $1,109 |
Wells Park | $1,109 |
Near North Valley | $1,099 |
Trumbull Village | $1,091 |
Alta Monte | $1,065 |
Gavilan Addition | $1,065 |
Graceland Acres - Indian Acres | $1,065 |
Greater Gardner | $1,065 |
Lee Acres | $1,065 |
Los Alamos | $1,065 |
Los Griegos | $1,065 |
Matthew Meadow | $1,065 |
Stronghurst | $1,065 |
Barelas | $1,064 |
Broadway | $1,064 |
Santa Barbara - Martineztown | $1,064 |
Crestview Bluff | $1,034 |
Pat Hurley | $1,034 |
Riverview Heights | $1,034 |
Vecinos Del Bosque | $1,034 |
Vista Magnifica | $1,034 |
West Mesa | $1,034 |
Elder Homestead | $1,021 |
Fair West | $1,021 |
Highland Business | $1,021 |
La Mesa | $1,021 |
Parkland Hills | $1,021 |
Siesta Hills | $1,021 |
South San Pedro | $1,021 |
What are the most affordable neighborhoods in Albuquerque?
The most affordable neighborhoods in Albuquerque are Elder Homestead, where the average rent goes for $1,021/month, Fair West, where renters pay $1,021/mo on average, and Highland Business, where the average rent goes for $1,021/mo. If you’re looking for other great deals, check out the listings from La Mesa ($1,021), Parkland Hills ($1,021), and Siesta Hills ($1,021), where the asking prices are below the average Albuquerque rent of $1,366/mo.
What are the most expensive neighborhoods in Albuquerque?
The most expensive neighborhoods in Albuquerque are West La Cueva ($2,038), West Vumoor ($2,038) and Wildflower ($2,038).
What are the most popular neighborhoods in Albuquerque?
The most popular neighborhood in Albuquerque is Del Norte, where there are 5 listings with an average rent of $1,327. Next up is Downtown Albuquerque, where apartments go for $1,109/month, followed by Tres Placitas with $1,616 If you’re looking to rent in Albuquerque’s most popular neighborhoods, make sure to also check out Manzano Manor, where renters pay $1,123 on average, and Montgomery Heights - Luecking Park, where the average monthly rent is $1,300.
Albuquerque | Rent Comparison by Neighborhood
Rent in Academy Acres North is 10% lower than in Academy Estates East
Academy Acres North rent is 3% lower than Albuquerque average
Academy Estates East rent is 8% higher than Albuquerque average
How Albuquerque Compares to Other Cities
State | Average Rent |
Albuquerque | $1,366 |
Las Cruces | $1,227 |
Santa Fe | $1,847 |
Rio Rancho | $1,502 |
Los Alamos | $1,896 |
What is the average price for a storage unit in Albuquerque?
The average rent for a non-climate-controlled 10'x10' storage unit in Albuquerque is $131.79. Rental costs vary depending on several factors, including unit size and the storage facility's location and amenities.