Kernersville, NC Rental Market Trends
What is the average rent in Kernersville?
The average rent for an apartment in Kernersville is $1,347. The cost of rent varies depending on several factors, including location, size, and quality.
Average rent in Kernersville, NC
Average Rent | Average Apartment Size |
$1,347 | 906 sq. ft. |
What is the average apartment size in Kernersville?
The average size for a Kernersville, NC apartment is 906 square feet, but this number varies greatly depending on unit type, with cheap and luxury alternatives for houses and apartments alike. Studio apartments are the smallest and most affordable, 1-bedroom apartments are closer to the average, while 2-bedroom apartments and 3-bedroom apartments offer a more generous square footage.
Kernersville, NC apartment rent ranges
Kernersville, NC Occupied Housing Units
5,472 or 46% of the households in Kernersville, NC are renter-occupied while 6,481 or 54% are owner-occupied.
Kernersville, NC rent trends

Average Rent in Kernersville, NC By Neighborhood
City | Average Rent |
City View | $1,619 |
Holly Avenue | $1,619 |
Old Salem | $1,619 |
Reynoldstown | $1,619 |
South Marshall | $1,619 |
Morningside Manor | $1,475 |
Reynolds Manor | $1,475 |
Shalimar | $1,475 |
WSSU | $1,475 |
Kings Court - Hampstead | $1,437 |
Kenilworth | $1,434 |
Happy Hill | $1,395 |
Stone Forest - Salem Lake | $1,381 |
Beeson Acres | $1,372 |
Castleshine Woods | $1,372 |
Crystal Towers | $1,372 |
Downtown Winston - Salem | $1,372 |
Drayton Pines | $1,372 |
Dreamland | $1,372 |
East Winston | $1,372 |
Forest Valley - Williston | $1,372 |
Kimberly Gateway Commons | $1,372 |
Lakeside | $1,372 |
North East Winston | $1,372 |
North Winston | $1,372 |
Providence Square | $1,372 |
Silver Chalice | $1,372 |
Skyland | $1,372 |
Slater Park | $1,372 |
Spaulding Drive | $1,372 |
Winston Lake Estates | $1,372 |
Washington Park | $1,357 |
West Salem | $1,357 |
West End Winston | $1,333 |
Ardmore | $1,315 |
West Highlands | $1,280 |
Boston Thurmon | $1,272 |
Reynolda Park | $1,272 |
Belews Creek | $1,268 |
Abington | $1,254 |
Sedgemont | $1,234 |
Breckingridge | $1,227 |
Hanover Park | $1,222 |
Cedar View | $1,220 |
Colony West | $1,220 |
Knob View | $1,220 |
Mountain View | $1,220 |
Peace Haven | $1,220 |
Rollinghills | $1,220 |
Stonebridge | $1,220 |
Atwood Acres | $1,218 |
Biltmore | $1,218 |
Hanestown | $1,218 |
Old Vineyard | $1,218 |
South Fork | $1,218 |
South Peace Haven | $1,218 |
Stratford Manor | $1,218 |
The Village | $1,218 |
Westbrook | $1,218 |
Buttonwood Estates | $1,218 |
Century Oaks | $1,218 |
Forestdale | $1,218 |
Graylyn | $1,218 |
Huntscroft | $1,218 |
Meadowlark Glen | $1,218 |
Millhaven | $1,218 |
Mount Tabor | $1,218 |
New Forestdale | $1,218 |
New Sherwood Forest | $1,218 |
Old Sherwood Forest | $1,218 |
Reynolda House | $1,218 |
Robinhood Dell | $1,218 |
Robinhood Park | $1,218 |
Robinhood Trails | $1,218 |
Winston - Salem Country Club | $1,217 |
Ashford | $1,216 |
Ashley Forest | $1,216 |
Baycreek | $1,216 |
Baywood Forest | $1,216 |
Beacon Hill | $1,216 |
Bent Tree Farm | $1,216 |
Bethabara | $1,216 |
Bethabara Estates | $1,216 |
Brookcliffe | $1,216 |
Brookridge | $1,216 |
Brownstone | $1,216 |
Buckingham Park - Spicewood | $1,216 |
Canton Forest | $1,216 |
Cedar Forest | $1,216 |
Chadwyck | $1,216 |
Fieldwood | $1,216 |
Fleetwood Farms | $1,216 |
Forsyth Forest | $1,216 |
Foxhall | $1,216 |
Georgetown | $1,216 |
Grandview - Patrick Place | $1,216 |
Green Acres | $1,216 |
Greenbrier Farm | $1,216 |
Hampton Woods | $1,216 |
Hillcrest | $1,216 |
Hope Valley | $1,216 |
Hunters Ridge | $1,216 |
Huntington Woods | $1,216 |
Mallard Lakes | $1,216 |
McGregor Downs | $1,216 |
McGregor Park | $1,216 |
Merrimont | $1,216 |
Merrimont Hills | $1,216 |
Millbrook | $1,216 |
Moravian Forest | $1,216 |
Old Town Heights | $1,216 |
Old Town Winston - Salem | $1,216 |
Quail Point | $1,216 |
Reynolda | $1,216 |
Ridgemere | $1,216 |
Roman Acres | $1,216 |
Ryanvaille | $1,216 |
Salem West | $1,216 |
Salem Woods | $1,216 |
Shattalon Heights | $1,216 |
Shattalon Lake Estates | $1,216 |
Sterling Court | $1,216 |
Still Meadow | $1,216 |
Stonewall | $1,216 |
Summerfield | $1,216 |
Summit | $1,216 |
Town and Country Estates | $1,216 |
Warwickshipie Estates | $1,216 |
West Polo Road | $1,216 |
West View | $1,216 |
Whispering Winds | $1,216 |
Windsor Estates | $1,216 |
Winsor Place | $1,216 |
Woodberry Forest | $1,216 |
Woodside | $1,216 |
Meadowlark Downs | $1,213 |
Nottingham Park | $1,213 |
Aldbrige | $1,212 |
Briar Glen | $1,212 |
British Woods | $1,212 |
Edgewood Farms | $1,212 |
Hampton Sted | $1,212 |
Heather Hills | $1,212 |
Hootstown | $1,212 |
Mountain Brook | $1,212 |
Stratford Crossing | $1,212 |
Twin Gardens | $1,212 |
Huntcliff | $1,209 |
Beeson Park - Country Meadows | $1,204 |
Corbin Place - Smith Farms | $1,204 |
Union Cross | $1,204 |
Ardmore Village | $1,204 |
Branningan Village | $1,204 |
Caroline Village | $1,204 |
Carriage Cove | $1,204 |
Cross Winds | $1,204 |
Darwick Acres | $1,204 |
Janita Lakes Estates | $1,204 |
Kingstree | $1,204 |
Konnoak | $1,204 |
McIver Farms | $1,204 |
Pinedale Manor | $1,204 |
Shore Acres - Farmbrook | $1,204 |
Turtle Creek | $1,204 |
Twin Cedars Laurel Park | $1,204 |
Wilshire Estates | $1,204 |
Winding Woods | $1,204 |
Arbor Acres | $1,179 |
Buena Vista | $1,179 |
Old Town Country Club | $1,179 |
Brookwood | $1,159 |
Cherryview | $1,159 |
Colonial Estates | $1,159 |
North Haven | $1,159 |
Piney Grove | $1,159 |
Salemtowne | $1,159 |
Wake Forest | $1,159 |
Creekview - Wedgewood | $1,159 |
Swink Acres | $1,159 |
Brookhill Park | $1,150 |
Belview | $1,150 |
Easton | $1,150 |
Forest Park | $1,150 |
Meredith Woods | $1,150 |
NCSA | $1,150 |
Oliver's Crossing | $1,150 |
Skyline Village - Columbia Terrace | $1,150 |
South Park | $1,150 |
South View | $1,150 |
Sunnyside | $1,150 |
Union Ridge | $1,150 |
Weston | $1,150 |
Barnswood Estates | $1,062 |
Flat Rock | $1,062 |
Kimball Acres | $1,062 |
Parkview | $1,062 |
Reynolda Forest - Salem Lake | $1,062 |
Salem Gardens | $1,062 |
South Main | $1,062 |
Waughtown | $1,062 |
Oakwood Estates | $1,062 |
Remington Ridge | $1,062 |
Angel Oaks | $1,018 |
Clayton Acres | $1,018 |
Holly Ridge | $1,018 |
Pinebrook Valley | $1,018 |
Stanleyville | $1,018 |
Summer Trace | $1,018 |
Bowen Park | $1,002 |
Cardinal Acres | $1,002 |
Castle Heights | $1,002 |
Cherry View | $1,002 |
Creekwood Acres | $1,002 |
Eastgate Village | $1,002 |
Eastwood Estates | $1,002 |
Ebony Hills | $1,002 |
Fair Oaks | $1,002 |
Ferrell Heights | $1,002 |
Forest Hills | $1,002 |
Glenn Avenue | $1,002 |
Greenway | $1,002 |
Huff Hills | $1,002 |
Hunter Hill | $1,002 |
Jefferson Gardens | $1,002 |
Mineral Springs | $1,002 |
Monticello Park | $1,002 |
Montview | $1,002 |
North Hills | $1,002 |
Northampton | $1,002 |
Northview | $1,002 |
Northwoods Estate | $1,002 |
Oak Summit | $1,002 |
Ogburn Station | $1,002 |
Old Carver | $1,002 |
Old Cherry | $1,002 |
Piedmont Park | $1,002 |
Pinebrook Country Club | $1,002 |
Pinebrook Manor | $1,002 |
Plantation Homes | $1,002 |
Prospect Park | $1,002 |
Retnuh Hills | $1,002 |
Spanish Pines | $1,002 |
Wildwood Park | $1,002 |
What are the most affordable neighborhoods in Kernersville?
The most affordable neighborhoods in Kernersville are Bowen Park, where the average rent goes for $1,002/month, Cardinal Acres, where renters pay $1,002/mo on average, and Castle Heights, where the average rent goes for $1,002/mo. If you’re looking for other great deals, check out the listings from Cherry View ($1,002), Creekwood Acres ($1,002), and Eastgate Village ($1,002), where the asking prices are below the average Kernersville rent of $1,347/mo.
What are the most expensive neighborhoods in Kernersville?
The most expensive neighborhoods in Kernersville are Old Salem ($1,619), Reynoldstown ($1,619) and South Marshall ($1,619).
What are the most popular neighborhoods in Kernersville?
The most popular neighborhood in Kernersville is Kimball Acres, where there are 11 listings with an average rent of $1,062. Next up is Ardmore, where apartments go for $1,315/month, followed by The Village with $1,218 If you’re looking to rent in Kernersville’s most popular neighborhoods, make sure to also check out Brookwood, where renters pay $1,159 on average, and Downtown Winston - Salem, where the average monthly rent is $1,372.
Kernersville | Rent Comparison by Neighborhood
Rent in Abington is 3% higher than in Aldbrige
Abington rent is 7% lower than Kernersville average
Aldbrige rent is 10% lower than Kernersville average
How Kernersville Compares to Other Cities
State | Average Rent |
Charlotte | $1,656 |
Raleigh | $1,575 |
Winston - Salem | $1,255 |
Greensboro | $1,302 |
Durham | $1,534 |
Fayetteville | $1,260 |
Wilmington | $1,625 |
Clayton | $1,580 |
Concord | $1,521 |
Cary | $1,651 |
Kernersville | $1,347 |
Lewisville | $1,219 |
Rural Hall | $1,018 |
Bermuda Run | $1,539 |
Walkertown | $1,325 |
What is the average price for a storage unit in Kernersville?
The average rent for a non-climate-controlled 10'x10' storage unit in Kernersville is $80. Rental costs vary depending on several factors, including unit size and the storage facility's location and amenities.