Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN Rental Market Trends
What is the average rent in Downtown Bloomington?
The average rent for an apartment in Downtown Bloomington is $1,597. The cost of rent varies depending on several factors, including location, size, and quality.
Average rent in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN
Average Rent | Average Apartment Size |
$1,597 | 914 sq. ft. |
What is the average apartment size in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN?
The average size for a Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN apartment is 914 square feet, but this number varies greatly depending on unit type, with cheap and luxury alternatives for houses and apartments alike. Studio apartments are the smallest and most affordable, 1-bedroom apartments are closer to the average, while 2-bedroom apartments and 3-bedroom apartments offer a more generous square footage.
Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN apartment rent ranges
Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN Occupied Housing Units
20 or 48% of the households in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN are renter-occupied while 22 or 52% are owner-occupied.
Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN rent trends

Average Rent in Bloomington, IN By Neighborhood
City | Average Rent |
Arlington Valley | $1,948 |
Crescent Bend | $1,948 |
Crestmont Tenants Association | $1,948 |
Fritz Terrace | $1,948 |
Maple Heights | $1,948 |
Near West Side Bloomington | $1,948 |
North Kinser Point | $1,948 |
Northwood Estates | $1,948 |
Sixth and Ritter | $1,948 |
Waterman | $1,948 |
Blue Ridge | $1,876 |
Garden Hill | $1,876 |
High Point | $1,876 |
Matlock Heights | $1,876 |
Old Northeast Bloomington | $1,876 |
Grandview Hill | $1,843 |
Green Acres | $1,843 |
Griffy Lake Nature Preserve | $1,843 |
Indiana University | $1,843 |
Marlin Hills | $1,843 |
Park Ridge | $1,843 |
Park Ridge East | $1,843 |
South Griffy | $1,843 |
Downtown Bloomington | $1,597 |
Highland Village | $1,562 |
Prospect Hill | $1,562 |
Arden Place | $1,472 |
Barclay Gardens | $1,472 |
Bentley Court | $1,472 |
Bittner Woods | $1,472 |
Bryan Park | $1,472 |
Eastside Bloomington | $1,472 |
Elm Heights | $1,472 |
Gentry Estates | $1,472 |
Hearthstone Village | $1,472 |
Hoosier Acres | $1,472 |
Hyde Park Village | $1,472 |
Longwood Devon | $1,472 |
Moss Creek Village | $1,472 |
Olcott Park | $1,472 |
Peppergrass | $1,472 |
Pinestone | $1,472 |
Ridgemede | $1,472 |
Sherwood Oaks | $1,472 |
So Max | $1,472 |
Spicewood | $1,472 |
St. James Woods | $1,472 |
Sycamore Knolls | $1,472 |
Timber Ridge | $1,472 |
Walnut Creek | $1,472 |
Broadview | $1,437 |
McDeel Gardens | $1,437 |
Sunny Slopes | $1,437 |
Autumnview | $1,382 |
Bloomington Country Club | $1,382 |
Evergreen Village | $1,382 |
Garden Acres | $1,382 |
Leonard Springs | $1,382 |
Rockport Hills | $1,382 |
Southern Pines | $1,382 |
Thompson Park | $1,382 |
Van Buren Park | $1,382 |
Weimer Lake | $1,382 |
West Pointe | $1,382 |
What are the most affordable neighborhoods in Bloomington?
The most affordable neighborhoods in Bloomington are Autumnview, where the average rent goes for $1,382/month, Bloomington Country Club, where renters pay $1,382/mo on average, and Evergreen Village, where the average rent goes for $1,382/mo. If you’re looking for other great deals, check out the listings from Garden Acres ($1,382), Leonard Springs ($1,382), and Rockport Hills ($1,382), where the asking prices are below the average Bloomington rent of $1,600/mo.
What are the most expensive neighborhoods in Bloomington?
The most expensive neighborhoods in Bloomington are Northwood Estates ($1,948), Sixth and Ritter ($1,948) and Waterman ($1,948).
What are the most popular neighborhoods in Bloomington?
The most popular neighborhood in Bloomington is Eastside Bloomington, where there are 3 listings with an average rent of $1,472. Next up is Weimer Lake, where apartments go for $1,382/month, followed by Arlington Valley with $1,948 If you’re looking to rent in Bloomington’s most popular neighborhoods, make sure to also check out Grandview Hill, where renters pay $1,843 on average, and Timber Ridge, where the average monthly rent is $1,472.
Bloomington | Rent Comparison by Neighborhood
Rent in Downtown Bloomington is 9% higher than in Arden Place
Downtown Bloomington rent is the same as Bloomington average
Arden Place rent is 8% lower than Bloomington average
How Bloomington Compares to Other Cities
State | Average Rent |
Indianapolis | $1,238 |
New Albany | $1,088 |
Greenwood | $1,320 |
Bloomington | $1,600 |
Fort Wayne | $1,167 |
South Bend | $1,295 |
Lafayette | $1,108 |
Jeffersonville | $1,161 |
Carmel | $1,618 |
Fishers | $1,587 |
Hammond | $1,167 |
Plainfield | $1,527 |
Franklin | $1,390 |
Camby | $1,400 |
Edinburgh | $716 |
Martinsville | $1,013 |
Southport | $1,092 |