Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL Rental Market Trends
What is the average rent in Downtown St. Petersburg?
The average rent for an apartment in Downtown St. Petersburg is $3,199. The cost of rent varies depending on several factors, including location, size, and quality.
Average rent in Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL
Average Rent | Average Apartment Size |
$3,199 | 912 sq. ft. |
What is the average apartment size in Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL?
The average size for a Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL apartment is 912 square feet, but this number varies greatly depending on unit type, with cheap and luxury alternatives for houses and apartments alike. Studio apartments are the smallest and most affordable, 1-bedroom apartments are closer to the average, while 2-bedroom apartments and 3-bedroom apartments offer a more generous square footage.
Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL apartment rent ranges
Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL Occupied Housing Units
5,900 or 61% of the households in Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL are renter-occupied while 3,713 or 39% are owner-occupied.
Downtown St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, FL rent trends

Average Rent in St. Petersburg, FL By Neighborhood
City | Average Rent |
Downtown St. Petersburg | $3,199 |
Historic Roser Park | $3,199 |
Crescent Lake | $3,086 |
Historic Old Northeast | $3,086 |
Bartlett Park | $2,734 |
Old Southeast St. Petersburg | $2,734 |
Historic Uptown | $2,577 |
Historic Kenwood | $2,114 |
North Kenwood | $2,114 |
Norwood Heights | $2,114 |
Ponce De Leon | $2,114 |
Central Oak Park | $2,104 |
Woodlawn Park | $2,095 |
Broadwater | $2,088 |
Childs Park | $2,088 |
Clam Bayou | $2,088 |
Maximo | $2,088 |
Patriot Square | $2,088 |
Perry Bayview | $2,088 |
Twinbrooks | $2,088 |
Oakwood Gardens | $2,074 |
Bahama Shores | $2,030 |
Bayou Highlands | $2,030 |
Bayside | $2,030 |
Campbell Park | $2,030 |
Coquina Key | $2,030 |
Cromwell Heights | $2,030 |
Driftwood | $2,030 |
Harbordale | $2,030 |
Lake Maggiore Park | $2,030 |
Lake Shore Park | $2,030 |
Lakewood Terrace | $2,030 |
Little Bayou | $2,030 |
Methodist Town | $2,030 |
Thirteenth St. Heights | $2,030 |
Tropical Shores | $2,030 |
Wilders | $2,030 |
Euclid - St. Paul | $2,025 |
Crescent Heights | $1,991 |
Eden Isles | $1,991 |
Five Points | $1,991 |
Greater Woodlawn | $1,991 |
Snell Isle | $1,991 |
Causeway Isles | $1,949 |
Westminster Heights | $1,949 |
Yacht Club Estates | $1,949 |
Allendale Terrace | $1,922 |
Magnolia Heights | $1,922 |
North East Park | $1,922 |
Harris Park | $1,910 |
Disston Heights | $1,900 |
Euclid Heights | $1,867 |
Brighton Bay | $1,855 |
Tropicana Field | $1,802 |
Americana Cove Residents | $1,782 |
Barcley Estates | $1,782 |
Caya Costa | $1,782 |
Fossil Park | $1,782 |
Harbor Isle | $1,782 |
Meadowlawn | $1,782 |
Renaissance | $1,782 |
Riviera Bay | $1,782 |
Tanglewood | $1,782 |
Winston Park | $1,782 |
Mangrove Bay - Tanglewood | $1,778 |
Lakewood Estates | $1,767 |
Grand Central District | $1,722 |
Greater Pinellas Point | $1,713 |
Lake Maggiore Shores | $1,713 |
Pasadena | $1,710 |
Thirty-First Street | $1,662 |
Edgemoor | $1,618 |
Placido Bayou | $1,618 |
Shore Acres | $1,618 |
Venetian Isles | $1,618 |
Casler Heights | $1,554 |
Fruitland Heights | $1,554 |
Highland Oaks | $1,554 |
Mel - Tan Heights | $1,554 |
Melrose Mercy | $1,554 |
Palmetto Park | $1,554 |
Perkins | $1,554 |
Wildwood Heights | $1,554 |
Azalea | $1,533 |
Crossroads Area | $1,533 |
Crosswinds Colony | $1,533 |
Eagle Crest | $1,533 |
Garden Manor | $1,533 |
Holiday Park | $1,533 |
Jungle Prada | $1,533 |
Jungle Terrace | $1,533 |
La Vista | $1,533 |
Live Oak | $1,533 |
Pasadena Vista | $1,533 |
What are the most affordable neighborhoods in St. Petersburg?
The most affordable neighborhoods in St. Petersburg are Azalea, where the average rent goes for $1,533/month, Crossroads Area, where renters pay $1,533/mo on average, and Crosswinds Colony, where the average rent goes for $1,533/mo. If you’re looking for other great deals, check out the listings from Eagle Crest ($1,533), Garden Manor ($1,533), and Holiday Park ($1,533), where the asking prices are below the average St. Petersburg rent of $2,024/mo.
What are the most expensive neighborhoods in St. Petersburg?
The most expensive neighborhoods in St. Petersburg are Historic Old Northeast ($3,086), Downtown St. Petersburg ($3,199) and Historic Roser Park ($3,199).
What are the most popular neighborhoods in St. Petersburg?
The most popular neighborhood in St. Petersburg is Brighton Bay, where there are 8 listings with an average rent of $1,855. Next up is Greater Pinellas Point, where apartments go for $1,713/month, followed by Palmetto Park with $1,554 If you’re looking to rent in St. Petersburg’s most popular neighborhoods, make sure to also check out Campbell Park, where renters pay $2,030 on average, and Downtown St. Petersburg, where the average monthly rent is $3,199.
St. Petersburg | Rent Comparison by Neighborhood
Rent in Downtown St. Petersburg is 66% higher than in Allendale Terrace
Downtown St. Petersburg rent is the same as St. Petersburg average
Allendale Terrace rent is 40% lower than St. Petersburg average
How St. Petersburg Compares to Other Cities
State | Average Rent |
Jacksonville | $1,489 |
Miami | $2,645 |
Tampa | $1,911 |
Orlando | $1,895 |
Kissimmee | $1,768 |
Fort Myers | $1,876 |
Gainesville | $1,695 |
Cape Coral | $1,898 |
Lakeland | $1,519 |
Fort Lauderdale | $2,740 |
Clearwater | $1,803 |
St. Petersburg | $2,024 |
Largo | $1,730 |
Pinellas Park | $1,862 |
Temple Terrace | $1,569 |
Seminole | $1,777 |
Tarpon Springs | $1,596 |
Oldsmar | $1,783 |
Dunedin | $1,931 |