Coral Gables, FL Rental Market Trends
What is the average rent in Coral Gables?
The average rent for an apartment in Coral Gables is $3,012. The cost of rent varies depending on several factors, including location, size, and quality.
Average rent in Coral Gables, FL
Average Rent | Average Apartment Size |
$3,012 | 898 sq. ft. |
What is the average apartment size in Coral Gables?
The average size for a Coral Gables, FL apartment is 898 square feet, but this number varies greatly depending on unit type, with cheap and luxury alternatives for houses and apartments alike. Studio apartments are the smallest and most affordable, 1-bedroom apartments are closer to the average, while 2-bedroom apartments and 3-bedroom apartments offer a more generous square footage.
Coral Gables, FL apartment rent ranges
Coral Gables, FL Occupied Housing Units
6,771 or 36% of the households in Coral Gables, FL are renter-occupied while 12,176 or 64% are owner-occupied.
Coral Gables, FL rent trends

Average Rent in Coral Gables, FL By Neighborhood
City | Average Rent |
Riviera | $3,665 |
Coral Gables Country Club | $3,664 |
Biltmore | $3,662 |
Coral Estates | $3,662 |
Coral Gables Crafts | $3,662 |
Douglas | $3,662 |
Granada | $3,662 |
Coconut Grove | $3,508 |
Sunrise Harbour | $3,335 |
Biscayne Bay | $2,759 |
Cocoplum | $2,759 |
Cocoplum Heights | $2,759 |
College Groves - Southern Pines | $2,759 |
Collins Manor | $2,759 |
Dill Manor - Ponce De Leon Heights | $2,759 |
Granada Park - High Crest | $2,759 |
High Land Estates - Stewart Acres | $2,759 |
High Pines | $2,759 |
Kingsleys | $2,759 |
Kingsleys - Stonegate | $2,759 |
Rancho Villas | $2,759 |
San Juan Heights - University Place | $2,759 |
Sunset Acre Estates - Ponce Road Estates | $2,759 |
Weeling Estates - Snapper Creek Village | $2,759 |
Coral Ridge Acre Estates | $2,444 |
Deering Bay | $2,444 |
Fairchild Manors - Hammock Heights | $2,444 |
Gables By The Sea - Coral Bay | $2,444 |
Gables Estates | $2,444 |
Hammock Lake | $2,444 |
Hammock Oaks Harbor | $2,444 |
Journeys End Estates | $2,444 |
Kerrwood Oaks | $2,444 |
Old Cutler Bay | $2,444 |
Pine Bay Estates | $2,444 |
Snapper Creek Lakes | $2,444 |
Snapper Creek Oaks | $2,444 |
Snapper Creek | $2,320 |
What are the most affordable neighborhoods in Coral Gables?
The most affordable neighborhoods in Coral Gables are Snapper Creek, where the average rent goes for $2,320/month, Coral Ridge Acre Estates, where renters pay $2,444/mo on average, and Deering Bay, where the average rent goes for $2,444/mo. If you’re looking for other great deals, check out the listings from Fairchild Manors - Hammock Heights ($2,444), Gables By The Sea - Coral Bay ($2,444), and Gables Estates ($2,444), where the asking prices are below the average Coral Gables rent of $3,012/mo.
What are the most expensive neighborhoods in Coral Gables?
The most expensive neighborhoods in Coral Gables are Granada ($3,662), Coral Gables Country Club ($3,664) and Riviera ($3,665).
What are the most popular neighborhoods in Coral Gables?
The most popular neighborhood in Coral Gables is Coconut Grove, where there are 3 listings with an average rent of $3,508. Next up is Coral Gables Crafts, where apartments go for $3,662/month, followed by Riviera with $3,665 If you’re looking to rent in Coral Gables’s most popular neighborhoods, make sure to also check out Biltmore, where renters pay $3,662 on average, and Biscayne Bay, where the average monthly rent is $2,759.
Coral Gables | Rent Comparison by Neighborhood
Rent in Biltmore is 33% higher than in Biscayne Bay
Biltmore rent is 22% higher than Coral Gables average
Biscayne Bay rent is 8% lower than Coral Gables average
How Coral Gables Compares to Other Cities
State | Average Rent |
Jacksonville | $1,489 |
Miami | $2,645 |
Tampa | $1,911 |
Orlando | $1,895 |
Kissimmee | $1,768 |
Fort Myers | $1,876 |
Gainesville | $1,695 |
Cape Coral | $1,898 |
Lakeland | $1,519 |
Fort Lauderdale | $2,740 |
Hialeah | $2,218 |
Hollywood | $2,078 |
Miami Beach | $3,282 |
Plantation | $2,358 |
Sunrise | $2,293 |
Doral | $2,627 |
Miramar | $2,598 |
Miami Gardens | $2,155 |
North Miami | $2,370 |
North Miami Beach | $2,545 |
Coral Gables | $3,012 |