Plantation, Broward County, FL Rental Market Trends
What is the average rent in Plantation?
The average rent for an apartment in Plantation is $2,358. The cost of rent varies depending on several factors, including location, size, and quality.
Average rent in Plantation, Broward County, FL
Average Rent | Average Apartment Size |
$2,358 | 1,017 sq. ft. |
What is the average apartment size in Plantation?
The average size for a Plantation, Broward County, FL apartment is 1,017 square feet, but this number varies greatly depending on unit type, with cheap and luxury alternatives for houses and apartments alike. Studio apartments are the smallest and most affordable, 1-bedroom apartments are closer to the average, while 2-bedroom apartments and 3-bedroom apartments offer a more generous square footage.
Plantation, Broward County, FL apartment rent ranges
Plantation, Broward County, FL Occupied Housing Units
13,139 or 34% of the households in Plantation, Broward County, FL are renter-occupied while 25,307 or 66% are owner-occupied.
Plantation, Broward County, FL rent trends

Average Rent in Plantation, Broward County, FL By Neighborhood
City | Average Rent |
Courtyards of Plantation Acres | $2,848 |
Lago Largo | $2,848 |
Lago Mar Colony | $2,848 |
Lago Mar Country Club | $2,848 |
Lago West | $2,848 |
Melaleuca Isles | $2,848 |
Sawgrass Plantation | $2,848 |
Sawgrass Village | $2,848 |
Sunshine City | $2,848 |
Terra Bella | $2,848 |
Central Acres SW | $2,660 |
Plantation Acres | $2,595 |
Arbor Courts - Chatham Towne | $2,519 |
Belasera - Pine Island | $2,519 |
Chelsea | $2,519 |
Gingerwood Place | $2,519 |
Hawk's Landing | $2,519 |
Islandia | $2,519 |
Jacaranda Cay | $2,519 |
Jacaranda Golf Club | $2,519 |
Jacaranda Pointe | $2,519 |
Lakes at Jacaranda | $2,519 |
Longwood Village at Jacaranda | $2,519 |
Plantation Palms | $2,519 |
Plantation Racquet Club | $2,519 |
Quatraine | $2,519 |
The Colonnades at Plantation | $2,519 |
Village Townhouses | $2,519 |
Wedgewood Estates | $2,519 |
Westport | $2,519 |
Bridgewater | $2,513 |
Cross Creek | $2,513 |
Fox Run | $2,513 |
Grand Marquis | $2,513 |
Jacaranda Heights | $2,513 |
Jacaranda Lakes | $2,513 |
Lauderdale West | $2,513 |
Optima Village at Fountain Spring | $2,513 |
Parc Village | $2,513 |
Lakes of Newport | $2,502 |
Polo Glen | $2,502 |
Breezeswept Park Estates | $2,367 |
El Dorado Estates | $2,367 |
Fort Lauderdale Country Club | $2,367 |
Golfview Heights | $2,367 |
Green Acres | $2,367 |
Historic Plantation | $2,367 |
Lakeview Estates | $2,367 |
Lauderdale Golf Estates | $2,367 |
New Orleans - Royal Palm South | $2,367 |
Patios In The Park - Plantation Place | $2,367 |
Plantation Golf Estates | $2,367 |
Plantation Harbor | $2,367 |
Plantation Isles | $2,367 |
Plantation Park | $2,367 |
Plantation Secluded Gardens | $2,367 |
Royal Palm Estates | $2,367 |
Village Green | $2,339 |
Alpine Woods of Jacaranda - Marcano Estates | $2,027 |
East Plantation Estates | $1,957 |
Lake Park Gardens | $1,957 |
Plantation Gardens | $1,957 |
Apple Creek | $1,876 |
Mirror Lake Estates | $1,876 |
Omega | $1,876 |
Plantation Sunrise Heights | $1,876 |
What are the most affordable neighborhoods in Plantation?
The most affordable neighborhoods in Plantation are Apple Creek, where the average rent goes for $1,876/month, Mirror Lake Estates, where renters pay $1,876/mo on average, and Omega, where the average rent goes for $1,876/mo. If you’re looking for other great deals, check out the listings from Plantation Sunrise Heights ($1,876), East Plantation Estates ($1,957), and Lake Park Gardens ($1,957), where the asking prices are below the average Plantation rent of $2,358/mo.
What are the most expensive neighborhoods in Plantation?
The most expensive neighborhoods in Plantation are Sawgrass Village ($2,848), Sunshine City ($2,848) and Terra Bella ($2,848).
What are the most popular neighborhoods in Plantation?
The most popular neighborhood in Plantation is Jacaranda Golf Club, where there are 3 listings with an average rent of $2,519. Next up is Parc Village, where apartments go for $2,513/month, followed by Village Green with $2,339 If you’re looking to rent in Plantation’s most popular neighborhoods, make sure to also check out Apple Creek, where renters pay $1,876 on average, and Arbor Courts - Chatham Towne, where the average monthly rent is $2,519.
Plantation | Rent Comparison by Neighborhood
Rent in Alpine Woods of Jacaranda - Marcano Estates is 8% higher than in Apple Creek
Alpine Woods of Jacaranda - Marcano Estates rent is 14% lower than Plantation average
Apple Creek rent is 20% lower than Plantation average
How Plantation Compares to Other Cities
State | Average Rent |
Jacksonville | $1,489 |
Miami | $2,645 |
Tampa | $1,911 |
Kissimmee | $1,768 |
Orlando | $1,895 |
Fort Myers | $1,876 |
Gainesville | $1,695 |
Lakeland | $1,519 |
Cape Coral | $1,898 |
Fort Lauderdale | $2,740 |
Boca Raton | $2,822 |
Hialeah | $2,218 |
Hollywood | $2,078 |
Miami Beach | $3,282 |
Plantation | $2,358 |
Delray Beach | $2,817 |
Pompano Beach | $2,195 |
Coconut Creek | $2,384 |
Sunrise | $2,293 |
Deerfield Beach | $2,188 |
Doral | $2,627 |
What is the average price for a storage unit in Plantation?
The average rent for a non-climate-controlled 10'x10' storage unit in Plantation is $219. Rental costs vary depending on several factors, including unit size and the storage facility's location and amenities.