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Browse 30 listings with more than 568 storage units in and around Plainfield, NJ.

Find out about the types of self storage in Plainfield, NJ

Residents of Plainfield can benefit from a wide range of self storage services that can help them in a variety of situations. Self storage solves your storage needs, be it a few boxes with stuff and some extra furniture, the entire contents of your house, or perhaps vehicles, including RVs and boats. Check out the main categories of self storage that are available to you in Plainfield:

Climate-controlled self storage in Plainfield, NJ, for your valuable possessions

Climate-controlled storage units are an excellent option for residents of Plainfield that intend to store valuable and delicate items, particularly if they need to be in there long term. These units offer constant temperature and humidity throughout the year, ensuring the right environment for belongings such as antiques, collectibles, artwork, electronics, musical instruments and so on.

There are about 3 facilities that offer climate-controlled units in Plainfield.

The average monthly rate for renting a 10'x10' climate-controlled unit in Plainfield stands at $102.

Important reasons for renting a Plainfield, NJ, self storage unit

There are many reasons for renting a self storage unit in Plainfield, including the following:

Self storage comes to the rescue when you are moving to Plainfield, NJ

During the year 2022, approximately 7,750 people moved to Plainfield, according to U.S. Census data. They could have been drawn by job opportunities and the urban lifestyle on offer. Self storage can help the moving process go more smoothly. Plainfield currently has a population of around 54,358, a 0.32% change year-over-year.

Compared to 10 years ago, Plainfield's population grew 8.57%.

Here's how the population of Plainfield changed over the last 10 years:

Numbers are total population figures in Plainfield, NJ, as per the U.S. Census.

Plainfield, NJ, self storage makes traversing the local housing market easier

The housing market in Plainfield has 44% homeowners and 56% renters. About 4% of households in New Jersey are multigenerational. An average-sized Plainfield apartment offers around 810 sq. ft. Rentals with 1 bedroom bedroom are the most popular type of apartments in Plainfield.

To ease living in a space with fewer rooms than they would like, residents can keep infrequently used items in a Plainfield self storage unit.

College students in Plainfield, NJ, need self storage to keep their belongings over summer

Plainfield is a well-known destination for young people pursuing higher education in the 1 local college or university. However, these college students usually leave Plainfield for the summer break, which means they often need to store their dorm room belongings somewhere until the fall semester starts. Fortunately, there are multiple self storage facilities in Plainfield located relatively close to the campuses, so college students can rent a self storage unit to safely store their stuff.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a climate-controlled storage unit in Plainfield, NJ?

Yes, you might need a climate-controlled storage unit, especially in a climate with high humidity or extreme temperatures - below 32 degrees or above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. A very wide range of personal items can remain in peak condition by placing them in a climate-controlled storage unit. Some of these include paperwork, clothes, wooden furniture, paintings, valuables, etc. By renting a climate-controlled unit in Plainfield, NJ you can ensure that these items will not suffer any damage caused by variations in temperature and humidity.

How do I find self storage near me?

If you’re looking for a place to safely store less-frequently-used items and personal belongings of all types and sizes, look no further than a storage unit near your home or close to your business so you have access to your stuff at any time, hassle-free. RentCafe listings provide you with a variety of storage facilities, unit sizes, prices and amenities to choose from, depending on your needs and budget. You can now easily search for self storage facilities in your neighborhood or ZIP code, wherever you are in the U.S. You are only one search away from finding the perfect home for your belongings in Plainfield, NJ!

The demographic data is from proprietary websites, Yardi Matrix and the 2022 American Community Survey (the latest U.S. Census Bureau release). No guarantee is made as to the accuracy or completeness of information used for specific neighborhoods and/or ZIP Codes.

The following ZIP Codes are included in this demographic data: 07060, 07062, 07063.

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