The average monthly rent of apartments in Tulsa, OK is $982.
Houses for Rent in Tulsa, OK
13 Rentals Available
The average monthly rent of apartments in Tulsa, OK is $982.
About 33% of apartment rents in Tulsa, OK range between $1,001-$1,500. Meanwhile, apartments priced over $1,501-$2,000 represent 3% of apartments. Around 51% of Tulsa’s apartments are in the $701-$1,000 price range. 12% of apartments are priced between $501-$700.
Compared to the national average rent of $1,748, the average rent in Tulsa, OK is $982.
The price range of a house for rent is between $800 and $1,600.
The average Tulsa, OK rental house size is 1,110 sq. ft.
Renting a house in Tulsa, OK comes with more space, both indoor and outdoor.
Houses for rent in Tulsa, OK are usually located in non-central areas. You might be interested in studio apartments, 1 bedroom apartments, 2 bedroom apartments or 3 bedroom apartments, or browse all RentCafe apartments for rent in Tulsa, OK.
Do you want a house with a backyard, a grill area, that offers you privacy and enough space for your family? RentCafe offers you the possibility to look for a house for rent near you, to find the one that best suits your family. Browsing through our listings, you can filter by size, price, pet policy, check out the location, to find the best house in your area. Whether you are looking to move to a particular neighborhood, or a specific ZIP code, may it be for its safety, beautiful buildings, or quiet atmosphere, you can find the rental house that your whole family will enjoy.
Your next home is out there, whether you are looking for a house for rent near you or anywhere in the U.S. Easily browse houses for rent with availability updated daily, and let's find the one that is perfect for you!
If you are interested in living in a serene house, with no noise restrictions and a backyard, you might want to search through rental homes. More and more people nowadays choose to rent houses because the advantages are unlimited. Social butterflies can throw parties without worrying about Mrs. Jenny calling the police and sunbathers can soak up some vitamin D in the intimacy of their lovely patio. With a large variety of options to choose from, you are sure to find a house out of the 13 homes for rent in Tulsa, OK that will satisfy your need for comfort and privacy. Regardless of the size you’re searching for, we have your covered with plenty of duplexes or single family homes for rent. Because your money is important and you want to choose wisely, there are also cheap houses for rent in Tulsa, OK starting from $800. If you’re open to spending a little more, there are many wonderful rental houses situated in some of the best residential areas in Tulsa, OK.
If you want to rent but are not willing to cut down on your size requirements, rental homes are for you. While large apartments are also great, houses have their advantages. The average house in Tulsa, OK provides plenty of living and storage space for you and your family, including pets. Whether you have little children or you dream of being able to accommodate your out-of-town guests, you can choose from houses up to 3 bedroom and 4 bedroom in size. If you and your loved one are newly-weds and need something no larger than a 1 bedroom or 2 bedroom home, select the number of beds from the top menu. The right home is waiting to be discovered.