Boulder, CO Rental Market Trends
What is the average rent in Boulder?
The average rent for an apartment in Boulder is $2,464. The cost of rent varies depending on several factors, including location, size, and quality.
Average rent in Boulder, CO
Average Rent | Average Apartment Size |
$2,464 | 829 sq. ft. |
What is the average apartment size in Boulder?
The average size for a Boulder, CO apartment is 829 square feet, but this number varies greatly depending on unit type, with cheap and luxury alternatives for houses and apartments alike. Studio apartments are the smallest and most affordable, 1-bedroom apartments are closer to the average, while 2-bedroom apartments and 3-bedroom apartments offer a more generous square footage.
Boulder, CO apartment rent ranges
Boulder, CO Occupied Housing Units
23,041 or 53% of the households in Boulder, CO are renter-occupied while 20,617 or 47% are owner-occupied.
Boulder, CO rent trends

Average Rent in Boulder, CO By Neighborhood
City | Average Rent |
Cordry Court - Gold Run | $2,619 |
Country Meadows | $2,619 |
East Aurora | $2,619 |
East Campus | $2,619 |
East Foothills | $2,619 |
East Ridge | $2,619 |
Fraiser Meadows | $2,619 |
Keewaydin | $2,619 |
Park East | $2,619 |
Pinon | $2,619 |
Chautauqua | $2,558 |
Cross Grove | $2,558 |
East Chautauqua | $2,558 |
Flatirons | $2,558 |
Grandview - Hillside | $2,558 |
Grant | $2,558 |
University Heights | $2,558 |
University Hill | $2,558 |
West Pearl | $2,558 |
Dakota Ridge | $2,467 |
Mapleton Hill | $2,467 |
Northbriar | $2,467 |
Whittier | $2,467 |
Boulder Meadows | $2,365 |
Carolyn Heights | $2,365 |
Catalpa Park | $2,365 |
Centennial | $2,365 |
Crestview | $2,365 |
East Central | $2,365 |
Foothills Community | $2,365 |
Forest Glen | $2,365 |
Four Mile Creek | $2,365 |
Githens Acres | $2,365 |
Gunbarrel - Twin Lake | $2,365 |
Hawthorn | $2,365 |
Hillcrest - Panorama Heights | $2,365 |
Holiday | $2,365 |
Iris Hollow - Eden East | $2,365 |
Juniper - Kalmia | $2,365 |
Kings Ridge - Noble Park | $2,365 |
Mapleton Mobile Home Park | $2,365 |
Moores | $2,365 |
Newlands | $2,365 |
North Wonderland | $2,365 |
Norwood - Quince | $2,365 |
Old North Boulder | $2,365 |
Orange Orchard | $2,365 |
Orchard Grove | $2,365 |
Orchard Park | $2,365 |
Palo Park | $2,365 |
Parkside | $2,365 |
Sale Lake | $2,365 |
Transit Village | $2,365 |
Winding Trail Village | $2,365 |
Wonderland Hills | $2,365 |
Main Campus | $2,285 |
Table Mesa North | $2,285 |
Devil's Thumb | $2,134 |
Hartford - Yale | $2,134 |
Majestic Heights | $2,134 |
Martin Acres | $2,134 |
Shanahan Ridge | $2,134 |
Table Mesa | $2,134 |
Tantra Park | $2,134 |
Telluride | $2,134 |
Waterstore | $2,096 |
What are the most affordable neighborhoods in Boulder?
The most affordable neighborhoods in Boulder are Waterstore, where the average rent goes for $2,096/month, Devil's Thumb, where renters pay $2,134/mo on average, and Hartford - Yale, where the average rent goes for $2,134/mo. If you’re looking for other great deals, check out the listings from Majestic Heights ($2,134), Martin Acres ($2,134), and Shanahan Ridge ($2,134), where the asking prices are below the average Boulder rent of $2,464/mo.
What are the most expensive neighborhoods in Boulder?
The most expensive neighborhoods in Boulder are Keewaydin ($2,619), Park East ($2,619) and Pinon ($2,619).
What are the most popular neighborhoods in Boulder?
The most popular neighborhood in Boulder is University Hill, where there are 26 listings with an average rent of $2,558. Next up is East Ridge, where apartments go for $2,619/month, followed by Cross Grove with $2,558 If you’re looking to rent in Boulder’s most popular neighborhoods, make sure to also check out East Aurora, where renters pay $2,619 on average, and Whittier, where the average monthly rent is $2,467.
Boulder | Rent Comparison by Neighborhood
Rent in Boulder Meadows is the same as in Carolyn Heights
Boulder Meadows rent is 4% lower than Boulder average
Carolyn Heights rent is 4% lower than Boulder average
How Boulder Compares to Other Cities
State | Average Rent |
Denver | $1,975 |
Colorado Springs | $1,553 |
Aurora | $1,793 |
Boulder | $2,464 |
Lakewood | $1,898 |
Englewood | $1,933 |
Littleton | $2,128 |
Fort Collins | $1,971 |
Longmont | $1,900 |
Broomfield | $1,984 |
Westminster | $1,872 |
Greeley | $1,524 |
Loveland | $1,826 |
Thornton | $1,914 |
Arvada | $1,810 |
Golden | $2,275 |
Northglenn | $1,758 |
Wheat Ridge | $1,790 |
Brighton | $1,930 |
Glendale | $1,589 |
Commerce City | $1,910 |
What is the average price for a storage unit in Boulder?
The average rent for a non-climate-controlled 10'x10' storage unit in Boulder is $117.3. Rental costs vary depending on several factors, including unit size and the storage facility's location and amenities.