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Getting around in Calgary, AB

11 /100
56 /100
Good Transit
76 /100
Very Bikeable
Walk Score®: 11, Transit Score®: 56, Bike Score®: 76

Frequently asked questions

Why rent an apartment with utilities included in Calgary, AB?

The best thing about living in a utilities-included apartment is that, as a renter, you don’t have to deal with utility providers. That responsibility is transferred to your property management/landlord in exchange for a monthly flat fee added to your rent.

What are the downsides of renting an apartment with utilities included in Calgary, AB?

Utilities-included apartments are usually found in older apartment communities, which some renters might consider unsuitable for their lifestyle. You might be interested in browsing all RentCafe apartments for rent in Calgary, AB.

Look for apartments with utilities included near me

If you’re searching for a utility-included rental, you’re in good hands. Often, the neighborhood and the people in it are the things we miss most after we move. At RentCafe we understand that moving to a new apartment doesn’t have to mean leaving the location you love — which is why you can now browse utility-included apartments in your area. You can compare size, rent prices, amenities and reviews of listings nearby that offer a utilities-included option and check what would be a good deal for you. Look for listings in your ZIP code and neighborhood or expand your search to the entire city or neighboring towns.

Renting an apartment with utilities included has its perks. Budgeting other monthly expenses becomes easier once you know the precise amount for rent and utilities, so you’ll know exactly how much you can spend at the local market or what plan to choose for a gym membership. Not dealing with utilities companies directly also means no deposits or service activation fees upon move-in. So, if a utilities-included apartment is what you need, but you still want to stay close to loved ones or the neighborhood you call home, we're here to make your search as easy as possible!