The average monthly rent for an apartment in Sherman Terrace, Madison, WI is around $1,466.
Studio Apartments for Rent in Sherman Terrace, Madison, WI
35 Rentals Available
The average monthly rent for an apartment in Sherman Terrace, Madison, WI is around $1,466.
A share of 8% of apartments in Sherman Terrace, Madison, WI have the cheapest rents between $701-$1,000. Around 8% of rentals are in the most expensive price range of > $2,000. Around 54% of Sherman Terrace’s apartments have monthly rents between $1,001-$1,500. There are 29% of apartments with rents between $1,501-$2,000.
Check out the average rent in Madison.
The national average price of rental apartments is $1,748, while the average monthly rent in Sherman Terrace, Madison, WI is $1,466.
The average Sherman Terrace, Madison, WI studio apartment size is 415 sq. ft.
Studio apartments in Sherman Terrace, Madison, WI tend to be more affordable than other apartments and they have lower utility costs.
One of the downsides of living in a studio apartment is the limited storage space. You might be interested in 1 bedroom apartments, 2 bedroom apartments or 3 bedroom apartments, or browse all RentCafe apartments for rent in Sherman Terrace, Madison, WI.
In total, Sherman Terrace, Madison, WI has 47,079 residents, 23,313 women and 23,766 men, per U.S. Census recent estimates. Statistics show that the median age of Sherman Terrace’s population is 34.7.
There is a total of 21,612 households in Sherman Terrace, Madison, WI. Of these, 5,049 have children and 16,563 are without children. Per Census Bureau’s most current estimates, 10,657 family households and 10,955 non-family households live in this area. The size of a household in Sherman Terrace is 2.16 people, on average. The median household annual income in Sherman Terrace equals $71,609, and the monthly housing costs equal $1,270.
According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 2% of the population in Sherman Terrace, Madison, WI have no high school education, 22% went to high-school, and 23% have partially completed college. Moreover, 8% of the population hold an Associate Degree, 30% hold a Bachelor Degree, and 14% hold a Graduate Degree.