Apartments in Wimauma-Riverview, FL rent for $1,781 per month, on average.
Studio Apartments for Rent in Wimauma-Riverview, FL
7 Rentals Available
Apartments in Wimauma-Riverview, FL rent for $1,781 per month, on average.
The average monthly rent in Wimauma-Riverview, FL is around $1,781, while the national average rent is $1,748.
Studio apartments in Wimauma-Riverview, FL tend to be more affordable than other apartments and they have lower utility costs.
One of the downsides of living in a studio apartment is the limited storage space.
The total population of Wimauma-Riverview, FL is 173,044, of which 83,583 are men and 89,461 are women, according to the most recent U.S. Census Bureau estimates. The residents of Wimauma-Riverview have a median age of 37.
A total of 59,076 households live in Wimauma-Riverview, FL, of which 44,449 are family households and 14,627 are non-family households, per U.S. Census estimates. Of these, approximately 22,985 households have children and 36,091 households do not have children. The average size of a household in Wimauma-Riverview, FL is 3.16. The median household income in Wimauma-Riverview is $91,154 annually, with $1,546 per month going towards housing.
According to Census data, 4% of the population in Wimauma-Riverview, FL have no high school education, 28% went to high school, 26% have some college education, 10% earned an Associate Degree, 21% earned a Bachelor Degree, and 11% earned a Graduate Degree.