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Studio Apartments for Rent in Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA
8 Rentals Available

  • Today

    1319 N Madison St, Stockton, CA 95202
    STUDIO $1,122
  • Today

    144 Mun Kwok Lane, Stockton, CA 95202
    Income Restricted
    STUDIO $1,160
  • Today

    2506 Country Club Blvd, Stockton, CA 95204
    STUDIO $1,175+
  • Today

    1633 E, Bianchi Road, Stockton, CA 95210
    STUDIO $1,245+
  • Today

    3280 Blue Ridge Circle, Stockton, CA 95219
    STUDIO $1,250+
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  • Today

    3639 W. Benjamin Holt Drive, Stockton, CA 95219
    STUDIO Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    1212 West Center St, Manteca, CA 95337
    STUDIO $1,550+
  • Today

    101 W. Locust St., Lodi, CA 95240
    STUDIO $950+
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Average rent in Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA

$1,272/mo Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA average rental price, November 2024
Image Average Rent

The average monthly rent for an apartment in Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA is around $1,272.

Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA apartment rent ranges

Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA rent trends

Getting around in Downtown Stockton, CA

88 /100
Very Walkable
48 /100
Some Transit
64 /100
Walk Score®: 88, Transit Score®: 48, Bike Score®: 64

Frequently asked questions

What is the average size of a studio apartment in Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA?

The average Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA studio apartment size is 350 sq. ft.

What are the advantages of renting a studio apartment in Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA?

Studio apartments in Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA tend to be more affordable than other apartments and they have lower utility costs.

What are the downsides of renting a studio apartment in Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA?

One of the downsides of living in a studio apartment is the limited storage space.

Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA demographics

  • 16,574Total Population
  • 8,353 Female
    8,221 Male
  • 32Median Age

In total, Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA has 16,574 residents, 8,353 women and 8,221 men, per U.S. Census recent estimates. Statistics show that the median age of Downtown Stockton’s population is 32.

Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA households

  • 3,163 Family
    2,910 Non-family
  • 2,112 Children
    3,962 No Children
  • 6,074Total Number of Households
  • 3.14Average People Per Household
  • $54,039Median Household Income

There is a total of 6,074 households in Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA. Of these, 2,112 have children and 3,962 are without children. Per Census Bureau’s most current estimates, 3,163 family households and 2,910 non-family households live in this area. The size of a household in Downtown Stockton is 3.14 people, on average. The median household annual income in Downtown Stockton equals $54,039, and the monthly housing costs equal $1,183.

Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA education statistics

According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 20% of the population in Downtown Stockton, Stockton, CA have no high school education, 46% went to high-school, and 19% have partially completed college. Moreover, 5% of the population hold an Associate Degree, 5% hold a Bachelor Degree, and 5% hold a Graduate Degree.