MDHA RENTCafé - CWA Apartments II
This portal is used exclusively for CWA Apartments only.
CWA Apartments II are located in the East Nashville community at 500 Shelby Ave, Nashville, TN 37206.
Formerly owned by the Communications Workers of America labor-union group, CWA Plaza was purchased by MDHA in 2014. CWA Plaza Apartments are included in the Envision Cayce revitalizing plans.
Affordable project-based Section 8 Multi-family Homes
with two bedroom apartments
Income Restrictions Apply
Office (615) 254-5576 - Fax (615) 252-3670 - Email
Applying for Affordable Housing is always free. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), who funds the program, does not allow any agency to charge a family to apply. Beware of websites that charge a fee to apply for the housing program. These websites are not affiliated with the Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency (MDHA) or the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The only way to apply for MDHA housing is through MDHA’s official website.
CWA Apartments II is not accepting Online Applications.
MDHA will be accepting online only applications for CWA II on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 12 p.m. Noon (CST) on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 and continuing through 3 p.m. (CST) Friday, June 30, 2023 for 2 bedrooms only. The application will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your application will then be placed directly on the property’s waitlist. The date and time of your submitted online application will determine your position on the property’s waitlist.
MDHA will provide assistance to anyone needing help completing their online application at our CWA Apartments Management Office located at 500 Shelby Ave., Nashville, TN 37206, (dates TBD). Applicants may also visit a public library to access a computer. If you need assistance with language interpretation or other accommodations or services, please call (615) 252-8464. If you have any questions, please email your questions to
All new online applications for CWA Apartments II will utilize the nationwide RENTCafé portal service. If you're applying for this property, you will need to register a new unique User Name and Password and include a valid email address. Some applicants may already have a registered profile on RENTCafé for another property, whether it's at MDHA, or another housing agency, or property management company. If this is the case, you can use your registered RENTCafé email address, but you must register a new unique User Name for this property. Please review the User Name and Password instructions shown below before you start your initial registration process. After your application has been submitted, an automatic email will be sent to your registered email address confirming your application has been received.
User Name Instructions
A User Name is a unique name that you define on your online application for this property. The User Name will automatically default to your email address. It should be changed to a new unique User Name if you are entering multiple online applications for many individuals, or if you plan to apply for other MDHA properties. Here are some User Name examples:
I’m an individual and I want to be on the CWA II waiting list. I can use my email address for my User Name, but I can also define my User Name to be a unique name that I can use exclusively for this property. Example: My name is Jane Doe and I’m applying for the CWA II waiting list. So, I’ve decided to make my User Name be jdoecwaII23. This unique User Name will always be associated with my CWA II Waiting List online application created on 06/28/2023.
I’m a social worker and I’m entering many online applications for my clients who do not have an email address or access to a computer. I can enter my email address for each online application, but I must create a unique User Name for each online application that I enter. Refer to the previous example if your client plans to apply at other MDHA properties.
Password Instructions
Has your Contact Information changed?
Please remember to revisit this property's RENTCafé portal and update your RENTCafé profile as your contact information changes. Simply go to and click on the Update My Housing Application and select this property. We want to make sure we can contact you when your name is called!
Email property questions to or go to RENTCafé for general support, or call 855-736-8223 (855/RENT-CAFé). Recommended web browsers: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 9 or later, and any mobile Android or IOS web browser. MDHA’s Statement on Non-Discrimination and Fair Housing polices.
Have you registered for this property?
With a free account, you can: