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Luxury Apartments for Rent in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN
6 Rentals Available

  • Today

    229 South Grant Street, Bloomington, IN 47401
    STUDIO $817
    1 BED $957
    2 BEDS $1,124
  • Today

    345 S. College Ave, Bloomington, IN 47403
    1 BED $1,300
    2 BEDS $1,350
    3+ BEDS $2,675+
  • 1 day ago

    913 N College Ave, Bloomington, IN 47404
    STUDIO $1,200
    1 BED $1,295
    2+ BEDS $1,800
  • Today

    1616 S Henderson, Bloomington, IN 47401
    1 BED $750+
    2 BEDS $920+
    3+ BEDS $1,525+
  • Today

    3211 E 10Th Street, Bloomington, IN 47408
    2 BEDS Ask for Pricing
    4 BEDS $1,875
    5 BEDS $2,150
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  • Today

    582 N 5Th St, Gosport, IN 47433
    1 BED $695
    2 BEDS $859
    3+ BEDS $995
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Average rent in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN

$1,597/mo Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN average rental price, November 2024
Image Average Rent

The average monthly rent for an apartment in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN is around $1,597.

Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN apartment rent ranges

A share of 1% of apartments in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN have the cheapest rents between $501-$700. Around 17% of rentals are in the most expensive price range of $1,501-$2,000. Around 26% of Downtown Bloomington’s apartments have monthly rents between $701-$1,000. There are 37% of apartments with rents between $1,001-$1,500.

Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN rent trends

Getting around in Downtown Bloomington, IN

92 /100
Walker's Paradise
39 /100
Some Transit
81 /100
Very Bikeable
Walk Score®: 92, Transit Score®: 39, Bike Score®: 81

Frequently asked questions

How many luxury rentals are available in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN on RentCafe?

There are 1 luxury rentals available on RentCafe. Prices and availability in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN were last updated on 13 Feb 2025.

What is the average size of a luxury apartment in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN?

The average Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN luxury apartment size is 689 sq. ft.

What are the advantages of renting a luxury apartment in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN?

Renting a luxury apartment in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN comes with many amenities, more space and central locations.

What are the downsides of renting a luxury apartment in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN?

Luxury apartments tend to be more expensive and have higher utility bills.

Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN demographics

  • 94Total Population
  • 46 Female
    48 Male
  • 34Median Age

In total, Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN has 94 residents, 46 women and 48 men, per U.S. Census recent estimates. Statistics show that the median age of Downtown Bloomington’s population is 34.

Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN households

  • 20 Family
    22 Non-family
  • 9 Children
    33 No Children
  • 42Total Number of Households
  • 2.16Average People Per Household
  • $56,522Median Household Income

There is a total of 42 households in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN. Of these, 9 have children and 33 are without children. Per Census Bureau’s most current estimates, 20 family households and 22 non-family households live in this area. The size of a household in Downtown Bloomington is 2.16 people, on average. The median household annual income in Downtown Bloomington equals $56,522, and the monthly housing costs equal $1,092.

Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN education statistics

According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 1% of the population in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN have no high school education, 29% went to high-school, and 21% have partially completed college. Moreover, 7% of the population hold an Associate Degree, 25% hold a Bachelor Degree, and 18% hold a Graduate Degree.

Renting a luxury apartment in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN

In Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN you can find 6 modern buildings to choose from with as many as 6 high rise apartments. If you are looking for one of the best apartments in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN is the perfect place to start looking. It might be useful to know that the average size of a Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN apartment is about 1,309 Sqft, but it can vary according to property type. So, it doesn’t really matter what sort of property you desire. Whether you’re looking for a luxury studio apartment just for yourself, or a luxury townhome that you can share with your family, Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN has them all. On average, luxury apartments in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN go for $1,689 with high end apartments renting for up to $3,600. If you’re looking for a more affordable price, you can find cheap luxury apartments priced from $695. Whether you’re looking to downsize, or if you prefer large apartments, one of the 6 is going to fit your style.

The advantages of renting high rise apartments in Downtown Bloomington, Bloomington, IN

High rise apartments are so popular because they give residents access to all the amazing amenities that these modern, state of the art properties offer. Fitness centers, roof-top decks, social lounges, on-site spa services, you name it, they’re part of the package! Your apartment complex will become a place where you can be active, comfortable and taken care of. Also, you won’t have to decorate or buy furniture, because these properties come already furnished. Don’t get caught up in appearances though! These properties might offer incredible interiors and lavish amenities, but there’s more than meets the eye. Renting a luxury apartment makes sense for many renters because they offer some major advantages, not the least of which is security. Most luxury communities usually have security gates and a doorman. In addition, some offer security systems in each unit, so your protection is always guaranteed.

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