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Average rent in Arivaca, Pima County, AZ

$1,185/mo Arivaca, Pima County, AZ average rental price, November 2024
Image Average Rent

Apartment rentals in Arivaca, Pima County, AZ have an average monthly rent of $1,185.

Arivaca, Pima County, AZ apartment rent ranges

Arivaca, Pima County, AZ rent trends

Getting around in Arivaca, AZ

23 /100
Somewhat Bikeable
Bike Score®: 23

Frequently asked questions

What are the advantages of renting a luxury apartment in Arivaca, Pima County, AZ?

Renting a luxury apartment in Arivaca, Pima County, AZ comes with many amenities, more space and central locations.

What are the downsides of renting a luxury apartment in Arivaca, Pima County, AZ?

Luxury apartments tend to be more expensive and have higher utility bills. You might be interested in studio apartments, 1 bedroom apartments, 2 bedroom apartments or 3 bedroom apartments, or browse all RentCafe apartments for rent in Arivaca, Pima County, AZ.

Arivaca, Pima County, AZ demographics

  • 83,663Total Population
  • 42,753 Female
    40,911 Male
  • 44Median Age

The population in Arivaca, Pima County, AZ reached 83,663, as of the most recent Census survey. Of the total population, 40,911 are men and 42,753 are women. The residents of Arivaca have a median age of 44.

Arivaca, Pima County, AZ households

  • 21,920 Family
    9,179 Non-family
  • 9,984 Children
    21,114 No Children
  • 31,099Total Number of Households
  • 2.08Average People Per Household
  • $65,611Median Household Income

The population of Arivaca, Pima County, AZ compiles 31,099 total households. Per the most recent Census data, there are 21,920 family households and 9,179 non-family households in the city. Out of the total households, 9,984 have children and 21,114 do not. The average number of people in a household in Arivaca, Pima County, AZ is 2.08. The median yearly income is $65,611 per household, with $831 in estimated monthly costs for housing.

Arivaca, Pima County, AZ education statistics

In Arivaca, Pima County, AZ 4% of residents have no high school education and 36% completed high school, per U.S. Census Bureau estimates. Additionally, 29% of the population completed some college credits, 8% completed an Associate Degree, 15% completed a Bachelor Degree, while 9% completed Grad School.

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