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Houses for Rent in McAllen - Pharr, TX
2 Rentals Available

  • Today

    4919 N 47TH LANE, Mcallen, TX 78504
    4 BEDS $1,950
  • Today

    2406 Kirk Avenue, Mission, TX 78574
    3 BEDS $1,650
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Average rent in McAllen - Pharr, TX

$992/mo McAllen - Pharr, TX average rental price, November 2024
Image Average Rent

The average monthly rent of apartments in McAllen - Pharr, TX is $992.

McAllen - Pharr, TX apartment rent ranges

McAllen - Pharr, TX rent trends

Getting around in McAllen - Pharr, TX

3 /100
27 /100
Somewhat Bikeable
Walk Score®: 3, Bike Score®: 27

Frequently asked questions

What is the average size of a rental house in McAllen - Pharr, TX?

The average McAllen - Pharr, TX rental house size is 2,688 sq. ft.

What are the advantages of renting a house in McAllen - Pharr, TX?

Renting a house in McAllen - Pharr, TX comes with more space, both indoor and outdoor.

What are the downsides of renting a house apartment in McAllen - Pharr, TX?

Houses for rent in McAllen - Pharr, TX are usually located in non-central areas.

McAllen - Pharr, TX demographics

  • 304,110Total Population
  • 154,240 Female
    149,870 Male
  • 31Median Age

McAllen - Pharr, TX has a population of 304,110 according to the most recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau. 154,240 of McAllen - Pharr’s residents are women and 149,870 are men. The median age of those who live in McAllen - Pharr, TX is 31.

McAllen - Pharr, TX households

  • 73,539 Family
    20,241 Non-family
  • 42,264 Children
    51,515 No Children
  • 93,779Total Number of Households
  • 3.2Average People Per Household
  • $48,954Median Household Income

According to U.S. Census data, there are 93,779 households in McAllen - Pharr, TX. 73,539 are family households and 20,241 are non-family households. There are 42,264 households with children in McAllen - Pharr and 51,515 households without children. On average, about 3.2 people live in a household in McAllen - Pharr, TX.

McAllen - Pharr, TX education statistics

The level of education of the population of McAllen - Pharr, TX is as follows: 14% have no high school education, 37% completed some high school, 21% partially completed college, 6% have an Associate Degree, 15% have a Bachelor Degree, and 6% have a Graduate Degree.

Look for houses for rent near me

Do you want a house with a backyard, a grill area, that offers you privacy and enough space for your family? RentCafe offers you the possibility to look for a house for rent near you, to find the one that best suits your family. Browsing through our listings, you can filter by size, price, pet policy, check out the location, to find the best house in your area. Whether you are looking to move to a particular neighborhood, or a specific ZIP code, may it be for its safety, beautiful buildings, or quiet atmosphere, you can find the rental house that your whole family will enjoy.

Your next home is out there, whether you are looking for a house for rent near you or anywhere in the U.S. Easily browse houses for rent with availability updated daily, and let's find the one that is perfect for you!

Renting a house in McAllen - Pharr, TX

Those looking for a cozy home with lots of living and storage space and a backyard, and also like the freedom of renting, rental homes can offer the best of both worlds. This segment of the rental market has become very popular and the selection is better than ever. In McAllen - Pharr, TX there are 2 homes for rent including duplexes, townhomes and single family homes for rent. If you are flexible about the location, you will find cheap houses to rent by searching a little further away from downtown, for as little as $1,650, or, if you’re willing to pay a little extra, take a look at what’s available in some of the best residential areas in town, and you’ll be surprised to find a nice selection of single-family houses renting for up to $1,650.

When you rent a house you can have as little or as much space as you wish

While apartments can be more limiting space wise, when you rent a house, you have a little more wiggle room (pun intended). Smaller 1 bedroom homes are perfect for a couple, 2 bedroom homes for those who need an extra bedroom for guests or for a baby, 3 bedroom and 4 bedroom homes that are just right for families with children. Larger rental homes are also great for sharing with roommates, whether you’re looking for something close to work, close to your college campus, or just close to shopping and entertainment.

Finding a home nearby is easier than you think. Check out our Apartments Near Me page and take your pick!