The average monthly rent of apartments in Woodfield, SC is $1,272.
Houses for Rent in Woodfield, SC
38 Rentals Available
The average monthly rent of apartments in Woodfield, SC is $1,272.
Compared to the national average rent of $1,748, the average rent in Woodfield, SC is $1,272.
The price range of a house for rent is between $850 and $1,345.
The average Woodfield, SC rental house size is 1,220 sq. ft.
Renting a house in Woodfield, SC comes with more space, both indoor and outdoor.
Houses for rent in Woodfield, SC are usually located in non-central areas.
Do you want a house with a backyard, a grill area, that offers you privacy and enough space for your family? RentCafe offers you the possibility to look for a house for rent near you, to find the one that best suits your family. Browsing through our listings, you can filter by size, price, pet policy, check out the location, to find the best house in your area. Whether you are looking to move to a particular neighborhood, or a specific ZIP code, may it be for its safety, beautiful buildings, or quiet atmosphere, you can find the rental house that your whole family will enjoy.
Your next home is out there, whether you are looking for a house for rent near you or anywhere in the U.S. Easily browse houses for rent with availability updated daily, and let's find the one that is perfect for you!
Some people just don’t buy into the American dream of owning your own house and sacrificing flexibility. Also, a 30-year mortgage is not the most pleasant thought to wake up with every morning. We understand. But what if you need some extra storage space? What if you like a backyard where you could throw BBQ parties and the kids could play in a safe environment? Luckily, you can forget the dreaded mortgage. Renting a house is the answer. There are 25 homes for rent in Woodfield, SC. And it won’t necessarily cost an arm and a leg to rent the perfect home for your family. You can look into duplexes for rent too. Prices in Woodfield, SC for rental homes start at $850. Or, if you don’t want your neighbors too close, you should browse some single family homes for rent, priced up to $2,896 per month.
Your family situation will change throughout your life. Renting makes it possible to match the size of your home to your lifestyle and financial situation. And with 38 houses listed in Woodfield, SC, with prices ranging from $850 to $2,896 it’s possible to find the perfect one for you, whether you’re on the lookout for cheap houses for rent or something fancy and expensive. Maybe it’s just you and your significant other at the moment sharing a charming downtown apartment. But there’s a chance that at some point in time, a third family member will show-up and suddenly that 1 bedroom apartment you were so happy with will become too small. You will realize that you’d much rather prefer the comfort of your own backyard, than all the excitement your current neighborhood provides, that you no longer have time to enjoy anyway. If you want to continue living comfortably, you may want to rent a 2 bedroom house. Or maybe your oldest son turned into a young man who’s going off to college soon. You’ll find yourself in a 4 bedroom house that is suddenly too big. You could downsize and rent a 3 bedroom home with a pool, in a much nicer area. The flexibility of renting makes it possible.