The average monthly rent of apartments in Homestead, FL is $1,964.
Houses for Rent in Homestead, FL
2 Rentals Available
The average monthly rent of apartments in Homestead, FL is $1,964.
About 39% of apartment rents in Homestead, FL range between $1,501-$2,000. Meanwhile, apartments priced over > $2,000 represent 45% of apartments. Around 14% of Homestead’s apartments are in the $1,001-$1,500 price range. 2% of apartments are priced between $701-$1,000.
Compared to the national average rent of $1,748, the average rent in Homestead, FL is $1,964.
The price range of a house for rent is between $1,250 and $2,820.
The average Homestead, FL rental house size is 1,160 sq. ft.
Renting a house in Homestead, FL comes with more space, both indoor and outdoor.
Houses for rent in Homestead, FL are usually located in non-central areas.
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Do you wish you could live the American Dream minus the roof repairs, fence painting and boiler repairs? You sure can. It’s called rental homes. You are working a steady 9-5, which is sometimes 9-7, so when you finally get home you don’t want to put in a couple of extra hours as an unpaid handyman. The American Dream is about the impeccable backyard lawn where the family dog runs around. It’s about 4th of July barbeques and summer nights spent on your back porch. Of course, the dream is different for everyone, so it all depends on you. And your budget. Regardless of your budget you will manage to find some interesting homes for rent that fit your style. If you are moving from an apartment and are on a tight budget, please keep on reading. The American Dream is not only for the rich and beautiful who can rent a 4 bedroom without blinking.
… extra expenses. At least everyone says so. If we compare the price of 3 bedroom apartments to single family homes for rent with the same bedroom count, the house will be more expensive. You are paying more to get a yard, more square footage, storage space and privacy. But if you are looking for cheap houses for rent, you should definitely consider duplexes too. They are slightly more affordable and they come in many forms and bedroom counts. You could rent a 1 bedroom duplex, albeit they are somewhat rarer than their 2 bedroom brothers, and it goes without say that the rent will be much lower than renting a single-family house. If you are taking the smart approach, moving to a house will not cost an arm and a leg. Of the 2 listings in Homestead, FL there are plenty of houses you can rent without breaking the bank. And besides, why would you pay extra to stay in a pricey neighborhood, when all you want at the end of a long day is to enjoy the tranquility of your backyard?