The average monthly rent for an apartment in Lowry Park, Tampa, FL is around $1,477.
Houses for Rent in Lowry Park, Tampa, FL
25 Rentals Available
The average monthly rent for an apartment in Lowry Park, Tampa, FL is around $1,477.
A share of 8% of apartments in Lowry Park, Tampa, FL have the cheapest rents between $501-$700. Around 44% of rentals are in the most expensive price range of $1,501-$2,000. Around 11% of Lowry Park’s apartments have monthly rents between $701-$1,000. There are 32% of apartments with rents between $1,001-$1,500.
Check out the average rent in Tampa.
The national average price of rental apartments is $1,739, while the average monthly rent in Lowry Park, Tampa, FL is $1,477.
There are 1 house rentals available on RentCafe. Prices and availability in Lowry Park, Tampa, FL were last updated on 11 Sep 2024.
The average Lowry Park, Tampa, FL rental house size is 1,557 sq. ft.
Renting a house in Lowry Park, Tampa, FL comes with more space, both indoor and outdoor.
Houses for rent in Lowry Park, Tampa, FL are usually located in non-central areas. You might be interested in studio apartments, 1 bedroom apartments, 2 bedroom apartments or 3 bedroom apartments, or browse all RentCafe apartments for rent in Lowry Park, Tampa, FL.
In total, Lowry Park, Tampa, FL has 38,743 residents, 20,118 women and 18,625 men, per U.S. Census recent estimates. Statistics show that the median age of Lowry Park’s population is 37.9.
There is a total of 15,302 households in Lowry Park, Tampa, FL. Of these, 4,213 have children and 11,089 are without children. Per Census Bureau’s most current estimates, 8,481 family households and 6,821 non-family households live in this area. The size of a household in Lowry Park is 2.53 people, on average. The median household annual income in Lowry Park equals $46,617, and the monthly housing costs equal $1,040.
According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 6% of the population in Lowry Park, Tampa, FL have no high school education, 40% went to high-school, and 25% have partially completed college. Moreover, 8% of the population hold an Associate Degree, 15% hold a Bachelor Degree, and 6% hold a Graduate Degree.
Regardless of the type of house you are going to rent, location is important. We have 25 properties listed in Lowry Park, Tampa, FL to choose from, with prices ranging from $1,760 to $3,379. That can be quite a lot to choose from. If you’re on a tight budget and are looking for cheap houses for rent, make your life easier and set up a maximum price filter in the top menu. You may be renting on a budget and 1 bedroom duplexes will do just fine or you may be able to spend a bit more and are looking at 4 bedroom single family homes for rent. Either way, choose wisely. Don’t fall for the impeccable lawn or a pool. Although these things are nice to have they aren’t worth a penny if you’re not able to enjoy them because of loud neighbors or a lack of time. Speaking of lack of time…
There are 25 properties in Lowry Park, Tampa, FL listed for rent right now with prices ranging from $1,760 to $3,379. But if you have children there’s so much more to consider. A resource we all seem to lack: time. Avoiding a nightmare commute may be more important than deciding between a 2 bedroom or a 3 bedroom house. Although you could spend several hours in the car with your children and count it as family time, it’d be much nicer to spend this time around the dinner table. When you’re browsing through our rental homes, keep in mind the dreaded morning kindergarten-school-office Bermuda Triangle that is swallowing precious time out of your life. Draw a radius or a polygon around the school or the kindergarten you’ve chosen in Lowry Park, Tampa, FL and explore all the homes for rent located close by. Finding a house close to your kids’ school will drastically cut down your commute time. It will also help you see other things in your life more clearly, generally speaking. After all, choosing from 25 houses can be complicated and you’ve managed just fine.