Celebrate a Safe Halloween with These Kid-friendly Decorating Tips

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Summer is over and we all know what that means: Halloween is the right around the corner. And, if your newsfeed hasn’t reminded you that you need to decorate yet, your children definitely will! For a lot of parents, it can be an annual challenge to look after their little ones on this spooky night of dressing up and trick-or-treating. If you’re looking for tips on how to safely decorate your home and make this holiday one to remember for the kids, we’re here to help you take precautions.

Light up the dark for them

Candles and fireplaces might help set the spooky mood, but they are fire hazards and not a particularly good idea near children. For safety reasons, go for glowsticks, fairy lights, and battery-lit candles to get that rich orange glow instead. Don’t forget to have a talk about fire safety with the kids and make sure they understand that some shiny decorations are not toys.

No shocking surprises

Halloween is a holiday that relies heavily on props and decorations, many of them electrical or mechanical. Don’t hang fairy lights within reach of smaller children, secure all wiring and tape any loose cables that might pose electrical and tripping risks. Have a talk with the kids about the potential danger of getting too close to certain decorations both at home and while trick-or-treating.

Small children, small decorations

Heavy or voluminous decorations and young children don’t mix well. There’s always a risk of things falling over or detaching from their original spot – a risk only increased by children roaming the house during the holiday. This year avoid any accidents by using smaller and lighter decorations made of paper, tissue, string, or plush.

Careful carving and crafting

Carving pumpkins is the fun Halloween tradition that’s closest to our hearts. But pumpkin carving, as well as costume design, can be both creative and safe. If your family tradition involves making jack-o’-lanterns and costumes with your loved ones, make sure the youngest are properly supervised and the tools they use are child-friendly.

Keep scissors and needles away from children when designing costumes and involve them in the process by giving them decorations to glue or tape onto fabrics. For the really young ones, instead of carving using a knife, go for glitter, paint, paper, and even gluing spooky or autumn-themed items.

Take care of your tiny guests

Last but not least, think of all the children celebrating this night and don’t forget to turn on any outdoor lights to light up the path for all treat-or-treaters. You might have trick-or-treaters coming from nearby houses and apartments near you, so secure the railings, clear walkways and remove anything from your driveway that could cause them to trip and fall. No matter how small or harmless your pet is, be mindful of where it wanders so as not to frighten young children who are not accustomed to them like your own children are.  Make sure the candy you give out is safe and ask if any of the little goblins visiting have any food allergies.

Halloween is a holiday for all ages, so make this special day a safe and entertaining one for everyone, no matter how small. Children can get distracted by and want to grab onto decorations, so, before you start decorating for your tiny ghouls, put yourself in their glass slippers and make their safety your priority.

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Alexandra is a creative writer and researcher for RentCafe. With a background in e-learning content writing and a passion for knowledge-sharing platforms, she's covered topics from prop-tech to renters insurance to interior design tips. Very familiar with the renter lifestyle herself, Alexandra enjoys researching and writing about renter demographic shifts and residential real estate market trends as much as she loves writing about how to get along with roommates. You can connect with Alexandra via email.

Alexandra’s work includes collaborations with financial and business publications. Her articles have been featured in several national and international online publications, including the New York Times, Barrons, Inman, Forbes, Architectural Digest, Marketwatch, Bisnow, and Curbed. Her educational background includes a B.A. in Japanese and English and an M.A. in Journalism and Cultural Studies.

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