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Apartments for Rent in Shawnee, OK
29 Rentals Available

  • Today

    3105 Acme Road, Shawnee, OK 74808
    1 BED $699
    2 BEDS $840
    3 BEDS $968
  • 1 day ago

    114 Autry Dr (3), Shawnee, OK 74801
    2 BEDS $1,100
  • 1 day ago

    37778 Hayes Lane (66), Shawnee, OK 74801
    2 BEDS $800
  • 1 day ago

    23 Red Plum Road, Shawnee, OK 74801
    3 BEDS $850
  • 1 day ago

    37775 Kershaw Creek (63), Shawnee, OK 73801
    3 BEDS $1,250
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  • 1 day ago

    16406 Gaddy Rd, Shawnee, OK 74801
    3 BEDS $1,450
  • 1 day ago

    134 Autry Dr (13), Shawnee, OK 74801
    2 BEDS $1,100

Popular searches Average rent Renters guide Demographics

Average rent in Shawnee, OK

$822/mo Shawnee, OK average rental price, November 2024
Image Average Rent

The average monthly rent of apartments in Shawnee, OK is $822.

Shawnee, OK apartment rent ranges

Shawnee, OK rent trends

Getting around in Shawnee, OK

15 /100
33 /100
Somewhat Bikeable
Walk Score®: 15, Bike Score®: 33

Frequently asked questions

When were prices and availability in Shawnee, OK last updated?

Prices and availability in Shawnee, OK were last updated on 6 Feb 2025.

What are the best apartments in Shawnee, OK?

The best apartments in Shawnee, OK are: Ashford Place Apartments, LP, 114 Autry Dr, 37778 Hayes Lane (66), 23 Red Plum Road and 37775 Kershaw Creek (63).

What is the average rent in Shawnee, OK?

The average rent in Shawnee, OK is $822.

What is the price range for a 2-bedroom apartment in Shawnee, OK?

The price range for a 2-bedroom apartment in Shawnee, OK is between $840 and $1,100.

What is the price range for a 3-bedroom apartment in Shawnee, OK?

The price range for a 3-bedroom apartment in Shawnee, OK is between $968 and $1,250.

What type of rental buildings are in Shawnee, OK?

In Shawnee, 44% of the residents are renting compared to 56% owning a home, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Large-scale apartment buildings with more than 50 units represent 7% of Shawnee’s rentals, 36% are small-scale complexes with under 50 units, and 56% are single-family rentals.

What do typical apartment communities look like in Shawnee, OK?

The average age of rental buildings in Shawnee is 39 years old, with 19% being newer apartment buildings completed since 2000. The average height of apartment buildings in the city is 2 stories, of which 94% are garden-style apartment communities, 6% are mid-sized buildings, and none are high-rises. These characteristics describe large-scale apartment communities of 50 apartments or more.

What apartment floorplans are common in Shawnee, OK?

Rental apartments in Shawnee come in a range of sizes and floorplans. Studio apartments represent 0.7% of units for rent, ideal for singles, renters on a budget and people who value central locations more than space. Rentals with 1-bedroom floorplans make up 27% of the total apartments in the city, while 2-bedroom floorplans represent around 54% of all rentals in Shawnee. The rest are larger floorplans with 3 bedrooms or more, typically preferred by families, larger households or roommates sharing space.

Living in Shawnee, OK

Shawnee is a small town located in central Oklahoma, approximately 40 miles east of Oklahoma City. The town is known for its rich Native American history: It's the ancestral home of the Absentee Shawnee Tribe and still has a large Native population. Today, Shawnee's economy is based in agriculture and oil production, both of which provide jobs for many renters in the area. Oklahoma Baptist University is also based in Shawnee, and many students and professors rent in the area. There are also plenty of fun activities in the Shawnee area for renters to enjoy. Meanwhile, downtown Shawnee has many locally owned shops and cafes to check out. There are also many casinos and music venues in the Shawnee area. Renters interested in learning about the history of the area can visit the Pottawatomie County Museum and the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center. Additionally, there are also many outdoor activities near Shawnee for local renters to explore, such as the Shawnee Twin Lakes and Meeker Lake.

Renting in Shawnee, OK

One reason why many people enjoy renting in Shawnee is the affordable cost of living: Rental prices in Shawnee are much lower than the national average, so you'll get more bang for your buck living here. And, because OBU is based in Shawnee, there are many apartments in the area that cater to students and have leases that align with the school year. However, there are also many apartments in Shawnee that are appropriate for young professionals, families or retirees. Rentals in Shawnee are a mix of single-family homes and low-rise apartment complexes. Shawnee has a mix of walkable neighborhoods and traditional suburban neighborhoods, which are more spread out. There are also a variety of architectural styles present in Shawnee, ranging from classic ranch homes and craftsman bungalows to more modern apartments.

Things for renting

Shopping in Shawnee, OK

There are a variety of independent shops in Shawnee, including clothing boutiques, antique stores and more. There's also a large indoor mall on the north side of town where local renters will find many popular national chains. These include Walmart, Dillard's, and Kohl's, as well as many smaller shops for clothing, electronics, home goods and more. Shawnee renters have many options for groceries, as well, including Aldi, Save A Lot, Homeland and more.

Transportation in Shawnee, OK

Most renters in Shawnee use a car to get around as it's the fastest and most efficient way to navigate the Oklahoma plains. Specifically, I-40 runs through the north end of Shawnee, which is very convenient for renters who need to commute to Oklahoma City. Accordingly, most apartments and businesses in Shawnee have plenty of parking available. Unfortunately, there are not currently any bus or train routes in Shawnee. However, renters without a car can use local rideshare apps. Additionally, some parts of Shawnee are bike-friendly, although cold winter weather can make biking difficult. Finally, for renters who fly frequently, Will Rogers World Airport is less than an hour away, and Shawnee also has its own regional airport.

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RentCafe is your one-stop shop for finding a great new apartment in Shawnee, OK. Easily search through a wide selection of apartments for rent in Shawnee, OK, and view detailed information about available rentals including floor plans, pricing, photos, amenities, interactive maps, and thorough property descriptions. Property owners and managers are one click away, so feel free to contact them and find out all you need to know about the apartment you’re interested in. Browse Shawnee, OK apartments with rents starting from $699 and submit your rental application today!

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