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Apartments for Rent in Statesville, NC
30 Rentals Available

  • Today

    125 Hazelnut Way, Statesville, NC 28625
    4 BEDS $1,860
  • Today

    501 Phillips Lane, Statesville, NC 28625
    1 BED $1,025+
    2 BEDS $1,300
    3 BEDS $1,410
  • Today

    Vance Po Road, Statesville, NC 28625
    1 BED Ask for Pricing
    2 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    110 Stockton St, Statesvilles, NC 28677
    1 BED $775+
    2 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    170 Innes Circle, Statesville, NC 28625
    1 BED $680
    2 BEDS $760
    3 BEDS $825
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  • Today

    118 Greylin Loop, Statesville, NC 28625
    Income Restricted
    2 BEDS $764+
    3 BEDS $883
    4 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    167 Scarlet Dr, Troutman, NC 28166
    5 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    161 Scarlet Dr, Troutman, NC 28166
    3 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    103 Allston Way, Troutman, NC 28166
    3 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    147 Scarlet Dr, Troutman, NC 28166
    4 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    113 Cherella Ln, Troutman, NC 28166
    4 BEDS Ask for Pricing
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  • Today

    143 Scarlet Dr, Troutman, NC 28166
    3 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    109 Cherella Ln, Troutman, NC 28166
    3 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    105 Cherella Ln, Troutman, NC 28166
    5 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    177 Cassius Dr, Troutman, NC 28166
    4 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    167 Cassius Dr, Troutman, NC 28166
    4 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    154 Almaden Street, Troutman, NC 28166
    3 BEDS $2,193
    4 BEDS $2,320+
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  • Today

    132 Adams Tree Way, Troutman, NC 28166
    4 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    118 Adams Tree Way, Troutman, NC 28166
    4 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    124 Adams Tree Way, Troutman, NC 28166
    4 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    122 Adams Tree Way, Troutman, NC 28166
    4 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    145 Macel Drive, Troutman, NC 28166
    2 BEDS $1,799+
  • Today

    106 Plantation Pointe Loop, Mooresville, NC 28117
    1 BED $1,143+
    2 BEDS $1,428+
    3 BEDS $1,648+
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  • Today

    174 Twin River Drive, Mooresville, NC 28115
    4 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    161 Lansing Cir, Mooresville, NC 28115
    STUDIO $930+
    1 BED $1,133+
    2+ BEDS $1,220+

Popular searches Average rent Renters guide Demographics

Average rent in Statesville, NC

$1,145/mo Statesville, NC average rental price, November 2024
Image Average Rent

The average monthly rent of apartments in Statesville, NC is $1,145.

Statesville, NC apartment rent ranges

Statesville, NC rent trends

Getting around in Statesville, NC

2 /100
5 /100
Somewhat Bikeable
Walk Score®: 2, Bike Score®: 5

Frequently asked questions

When were prices and availability in Statesville, NC last updated?

Prices and availability in Statesville, NC were last updated on 5 Feb 2025.

What are the best apartments in Statesville, NC?

The best apartments in Statesville, NC are: Phillips Landing Apartments, 125 Hazelnut Way Statesville, NC 28625, Bluebird Commons, 201 Jobe Drive Statesville, NC 28677 and James Pointe.

What is the average rent in Statesville, NC?

The average rent in Statesville, NC is $1,145.

What is the price range for a 1-bedroom apartment in Statesville, NC?

The price range for a 1-bedroom apartment in Statesville, NC is between $680 and $1,410.

What is the price range for a 2-bedroom apartment in Statesville, NC?

The price range for a 2-bedroom apartment in Statesville, NC is between $760 and $1,300.

What is the price range for a 3-bedroom apartment in Statesville, NC?

The price range for a 3-bedroom apartment in Statesville, NC is between $825 and $1,410.

What type of rental buildings are in Statesville, NC?

In Statesville 45% of the housing is rented out compared to 55% of homes are owned, according to the most recent Census Bureau estimates. 3% of Statesville’s apartments are found in large buildings of 50 units or more, 62% are located in smaller apartment complexes with less than 50 units, and 35% are single-family rentals.

What do typical apartment communities look like in Statesville, NC?

The average age of rental buildings in Statesville is 34 years old, with 17% being newer apartment buildings completed since 2000. The average height of apartment buildings in the city is 3 stories, of which all are garden-style apartment communities, none are mid-sized buildings, and none are high-rises. These characteristics describe large-scale apartment communities of 50 apartments or more.

What apartment floorplans are common in Statesville, NC?

Studio apartments in Statesville are around 2% of rentals, while 1-bedroom floor plans represent 31% of the total stock. For those in search of larger rentals, 2-bedroom floorplans make up 55% of all rentals. More generous apartments with 3 bedrooms or more are also available in this city for those in search of more space.

Living in Statesville, NC

Located midway between Charlotte and Winston-Salem, the scenic small town of Statesville has rentals on the heavily wooded east side of Lake Norman with the Brushy Mountains to the north. Renters in Statesville are 40 miles north of Charlotte, 45 miles southwest of Winston-Salem, 73 miles northwest of Greensboro and 100 miles east of Asheville. Commutes are easy when renting in Statesville: Interstate 77 runs north-south through the center of town, while Route 40 goes east-west along the northern border and Route 70 runs east-west along the southern edge of town, providing renters with convenient access to interstates 26, 81, 85, 95 and 120. The three main industries in Statesville are manufacturing, retail and health care. Renters often find employment with Doosan Portable Power, Kewaunee Scientific and Pratt Industries, as well as HEXPOL Compounding.

Renting in Statesville, NC

When renting in Statesville, family and community comes first. To that end, three greenways link schools and neighborhoods together for maximum walkability, and there's also a scenic trail. What's more, Statesville rentals are also near 15 parks with soccer fields; courts for volleyball, basketball and pickleball; and an outdoor amphitheater for live performances at Martin Luther King Jr. Park. Renters are also close to hot air balloon rides; local museums; golf courses at Twin Oaks and Statesville Country Club; a full-size basketball court at Ralph L. Bentley Community Center; and a pool and waterpark at Statesville Fitness & Activity Center. Most rentals in Statesville are townhouses and large, single-family houses with one to five bedrooms. The most expensive rentals are found in southeastern portions of Statesville, while more affordable rentals can be found in the southern parts.

Things for renting

Shopping in Statesville, NC

Although there is Signal Hill Mall when renting in Statesville, the most popular shopping mall is SouthPark Mall in Charlotte (50 miles south). Meanwhile, renters go shopping locally at Crossroads, Westpark Shopping Center, Broad Street Station and Burkes Outlet. Plus, rentals in Statesville are also close to a number of independently owned stores, such as Hitched Boutique, Molly Malone's Boutique, New York Styles, R. Gregory Jeweler's Inc. and Lee Dellinger Fine Art. Additionally, CVS, Walmart, Dollar Tree and Family Dollar are some of the places to run errands when renting in Statesville. Otherwise, grocery store options include La Fresca Foods, Rotary Farmers Market and The Evening Farmers' Market. Or, renters recommend local restaurant favorites like Mezzaluna, Twisted Oak and The Upper Room.

Transportation in Statesville, NC

The Iredell County Area Transportation System (ICATS) provides renters with The Statesville Bloom, a fixed route from Washington Heights in the south to Danbury Woods in the north. This looping route takes renters to Signal Hill Mall, Walmart, YMCA, Statesville Health Department, Davis Hospital, Food Lion, Statesville Library, and the Mulberry and Plaza apartment rentals. Alternatively, to get from Statesville to Charlotte in less than an hour, ICATS provides the Commuter Express from Statesville Exit 49B to Charlotte Transportation Center with stops in Troutman and Mooresville along the way. Or, the VA Salisbury Shuttle takes preapproved renters to VA Hospital. Finally, there are two airports for renters to choose from: Statesville Regional Airport and Charlotte Douglas International Airport (45 miles south).

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RentCafe is your one-stop shop for finding a great new apartment in Statesville, NC. Easily search through a wide selection of apartments for rent in Statesville, NC, and view detailed information about available rentals including floor plans, pricing, photos, amenities, interactive maps, and thorough property descriptions. Property owners and managers are one click away, so feel free to contact them and find out all you need to know about the apartment you’re interested in. Browse Statesville, NC apartments with rents starting from $680 and submit your rental application today!

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