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Apartments for Rent in Georgetown, IN
71 Rentals Available

  • Today

    2702 Paoli Pike, New Albany, IN 47150
    1 BED Ask for Pricing
    2 BEDS $924
    3 BEDS $1,425
  • Today

    2406 Green Valley Road, New Albany, IN 47150
    1 BED Ask for Pricing
    2 BEDS $1,290+
    3 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    821/823 Commerce St., New Albany, IN 47150
    2 BEDS $800
  • Today

    313 Pimilico Dr., New Albany, IN 47150
    3 BEDS $1,395
  • Today

    200 Village Dr W, New Albany, IN 47150
    1 BED Ask for Pricing
    2 BEDS $979+
    3 BEDS Ask for Pricing
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    100 High Park Dr, New Albany, IN 47150
    2 BEDS $950+
  • Today

    600 Country Club Drive, New Albany, IN 47150
    1 BED $974
    2 BEDS $1,149+
    3 BEDS $1,474
  • Today

    539 E Daisy Ln, New Albany, IN 47150
    2 BEDS $1,225
  • Today

    718 Academy Drive, New Albany, IN 47150
    2 BEDS $1,169
    3 BEDS $1,399
  • Today

    1601 E Main St, New Albany, IN 47150
    STUDIO $50+
    1 BED $1,295
    2 BEDS $1,395
  • Today

    2313 Grant Line Road, New Albany, IN 47150
    1 BED $889
    2 BEDS $889+
    3 BEDS $1,129
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  • Today

    510 Culbertson Ave., New Albany, IN 47150
    3 BEDS $1,095
  • Today

    516 Culbertson Ave, New Albany, IN 47150
    2 BEDS $1,050
  • Today

    702-712 Victoria Court Apts, New Albany, IN 47150
    STUDIO $995
    1 BED $995
    2 BEDS $995
  • Today

    712 Mt. Tabor Rd., New Albany, IN 47150
    2 BEDS $1,000
  • Today

    2009 Silver St., New Albany, IN 47150
    2 BEDS $950
  • Today

    One Plaza Drive, New Albany, IN 47150
    STUDIO Ask for Pricing
    1 BED $849+
    2 BEDS $1,069
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  • Today

    2239 Charlestown Rd, New Albany, IN 47150
    1 BED $1,100
    2 BEDS $1,300
  • Today

    818 Hausfeldt Lane, New Albany, IN 47150
    1 BED $1,173
    2 BEDS $1,263+
  • Today

    688 South 43Rd Street, Louisville, KY 40211
    5 BEDS $2,000
  • Today

    4113 W. Muhammad Ali Boulevard, Louisville, KY 40212
    9 BEDS $675
  • Today

    1726 Ekin Ave, New Albany, IN 47150
    4 BEDS $1,725
  • Today

    4100 Prestwick Square, New Albany, IN 47150
    STUDIO Ask for Pricing
    1 BED $917+
    2+ BEDS $960+
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  • Today

    80 E 13Th St., New Albany, IN 47150
    2 BEDS $1,295
  • Today

    1308 E Main St., New Albany, IN 47150
    1 BED $850

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Getting around in Georgetown, IN

1 /100
Walk Score®: 1

Frequently asked questions

When were prices and availability in Georgetown, IN last updated?

Prices and availability in Georgetown, IN were last updated on 6 Feb 2025.

What type of rental buildings are in Georgetown, IN?

In Georgetown 19% of the housing is rented out compared to 81% of homes are owned, according to the most recent Census Bureau estimates. none of Georgetown’s apartments are found in large buildings of 50 units or more, 42% are located in smaller apartment complexes with less than 50 units, and 40% are single-family rentals.

What do typical apartment communities look like in Georgetown, IN?

The average age of rental buildings in Georgetown is 0 years old, with none being newer apartment buildings completed since 2000. The average height of apartment buildings in the city is 0 stories, of which none are garden-style apartment communities, none are mid-sized buildings, and none are high-rises. These characteristics describe large-scale apartment communities of 50 apartments or more.

What apartment floorplans are common in Georgetown, IN?

Rental apartments in Georgetown come in a range of sizes and floorplans. Studio apartments represent 0% of units for rent, ideal for singles, renters on a budget and people who value central locations more than space. Rentals with 1-bedroom floorplans make up 0% of the total apartments in the city, while 2-bedroom floorplans represent around 0% of all rentals in Georgetown. The rest are larger floorplans with 3 bedrooms or more, typically preferred by families, larger households or roommates sharing space.

Living in Georgetown, IN

Although Georgetown is a small town in southern Indiana, it’s technically considered a suburb of Louisville, Ky. Located in Floyd County, this is a place that has a fairly rural feel with the benefit of being away from the hustle and bustle of any big city for renters. The climate in southern Indiana is humid and subtropical, with very warm summers and temperate winters that don’t get much snow. The overall vibe around rental apartments in Georgetown is family-friendly: It has an above-average school system that’s part of the New Albany-Floyd County Consolidated School Corporation. The elementary school is the only one that’s located within the city limits near renter households, though. Here, renters love to get outside and the parks are lovely, including Georgetown Park, Ashley Mariah Memorial Park and Garry E. Cavan Park. Clearly, renters here have plenty of activities to keep them busy.

Renting in Georgetown, IN

When looking at rental apartments in Georgetown, it’s important to consider rental homes all around the area to have more choices because most people own homes in this area, rather than rent. So, for those who rent, that includes looking at rental apartments in Floyd, New Albany and Jeffersonville. The type of rental apartments available include brick-style buildings that are usually two to three stories tall with quite a few units each. They offer some amenities, including dishwashers, and are cable-ready. They also usually have walking trails for pet owners who rent. Just be sure to check if your choice is pet-friendly because many of the older apartments in Georgetown aren’t. Additionally, keep in mind that renter households usually have cars in this part of southern Indiana because it’s so rural and, as a result, is not very walkable near rental homes.

Things for renting

Shopping in Georgetown, IN

There’s only one shopping plaza near rental apartments in Georgetown: The Copperfield Commons Center is a typical strip mall that has a few fast food and sit-down restaurant options; a beauty salon; and some business offices. It’s easy for renter households to get to because it’s right off of Interstate 64. There are also other options for shopping near rental apartments, including Family Dollar, Georgetown Express Mart and a craft store. There’s also a coffee house called Village House Coffee and The Georgetown Bakery for home-baked goods. For any type of large-scale shopping, renters will have to go to Louisville, Ky., to go to an indoor mall there, such as the Mall St. Matthews or Oxmoor Center.

Transportation in Georgetown, IN

Even though most people who rent in Georgetown own cars, public transportation is still available in the form of a bus system near apartments in Georgetown. It’s called the Citilink.

Notably, the main road that goes through town is Interstate 64, and basically everything a renter would need is located off that road. There’s also a station located at Georgetown Road and 71st Street near rental apartments. In order to travel by air, the closest option is the Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport. It’s only about 22 miles away, making it an easy drive for renters to get out of town.

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RentCafe is your one-stop shop for finding a great new apartment in Georgetown, IN. Easily search through a wide selection of apartments for rent in Georgetown, IN, and view detailed information about available rentals including floor plans, pricing, photos, amenities, interactive maps, and thorough property descriptions. Property owners and managers are one click away, so feel free to contact them and find out all you need to know about the apartment you’re interested in. Browse Georgetown, IN apartments with rents starting from $150 and submit your rental application today!

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