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Apartments for Rent in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL
35 Rentals Available

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Average rent in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL

$2,001/mo Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL average rental price, November 2024
Image Average Rent

The average monthly rent of apartments in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL is $2,001.

Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL apartment rent ranges

About 58% of apartment rents in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL range between $1,501-$2,000. Meanwhile, apartments priced over > $2,000 represent 35% of apartments. Around 6% of Lehigh Acres’s apartments are in the $1,001-$1,500 price range. 1% of apartments are priced between $701-$1,000.

Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL rent trends

Getting around in Lehigh Acres, FL

5 /100
29 /100
Somewhat Bikeable
Walk Score®: 5, Bike Score®: 29

Frequently asked questions

When were prices and availability in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL last updated?

Prices and availability in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL were last updated on 12 Feb 2025.

What are the best apartments in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL?

The best apartments in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL are: 5127 Baron St Lehigh Acres, FL 33971, 2510 22nd STREET SW Lehigh Acres, FL 33976, 14209 Vindel Circle FORT MYERS, FL 33905, 3008 45th St SW Lehigh Acres, FL 33976 and 8140 Liriope Loop LEHIGH ACRES, FL 33972.

What is the average rent in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL?

The average rent in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL is $2,001.

What is the price range for a 2-bedroom apartment in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL?

The price range for a 2-bedroom apartment in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL is between $1,600 and $1,900.

What is the price range for a 3-bedroom apartment in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL?

The price range for a 3-bedroom apartment in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL is between $1,200 and $7,500.

What type of rental buildings are in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL?

In Lehigh Acres 27% of the housing is rented out compared to 73% of homes are owned, according to the most recent Census Bureau estimates. 3% of Lehigh Acres’s apartments are found in large buildings of 50 units or more, 43% are located in smaller apartment complexes with less than 50 units, and 53% are single-family rentals.

What do typical apartment communities look like in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL?

The average age of rental buildings in Lehigh Acres is 16 years old, with 84% being newer apartment buildings completed since 2000. The average height of apartment buildings in the city is 3 stories, of which all are garden-style apartment communities, none are mid-sized buildings, and none are high-rises. These characteristics describe large-scale apartment communities of 50 apartments or more.

What apartment floorplans are common in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL?

Rental apartments in Lehigh Acres come in a range of sizes and floorplans. Studio apartments represent 3% of units for rent, ideal for singles, renters on a budget and people who value central locations more than space. Rentals with 1-bedroom floorplans make up 40% of the total apartments in the city, while 2-bedroom floorplans represent around 42% of all rentals in Lehigh Acres. The rest are larger floorplans with 3 bedrooms or more, typically preferred by families, larger households or roommates sharing space.

Living in Lehigh Acres, FL

Lehigh Acres, located in Southwest Florida, is a rapidly growing suburb of Fort Myers and lies just a short drive from the Gulf Coast beaches. Historically a retirement destination, it has seen a demographic shift in recent years, attracting a diverse range of renters due to its affordable living and proximity to major employment centers in Fort Myers and Naples. Key industries in the area include healthcare, retail, and construction.

The area is abundant with recreational opportunities, featuring numerous parks, golf courses, and lakes. Veterans Park, with its community center and sports facilities, is a popular spot among residents. The arts scene in Lehigh Acres is modest but growing, with nearby Fort Myers offering more robust options in terms of galleries and theaters. The region’s history is showcased in local museums and historical estates, highlighting its development and heritage.

When it comes to dining, Lehigh Acres presents a variety of options, ranging from traditional American cuisine to international flavors like Latin American and Italian, reflecting its diverse population. The area does not have its own school district; instead, it falls under the Lee County School District, which provides a range of educational programs and schools.

Renting in Lehigh Acres, FL

Lehigh Acres offers a wide array of rental properties, from single-family homes to modern apartments. The architecture primarily features single-story ranch homes and newly constructed multifamily complexes. The central area of Lehigh Acres provides convenient access to local shopping and dining options, while neighborhoods on the outskirts offer more tranquility and proximity to natural settings.

Rental properties cater to a diverse demographic, with family-friendly neighborhoods offering spacious homes and yards, and areas closer to Fort Myers being more appealing to young professionals due to easier commute options. With its affordable rental prices compared to the national average, Lehigh Acres is particularly attractive for those looking for a cost-effective living solution in Florida.

Things for renting

Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL demographics

  • 175,316Total Population
  • 89,216 Female
    86,101 Male
  • 39.3Median Age

Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL has a population of 175,316 according to the most recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau. 89,216 of Lehigh Acres’s residents are women and 86,101 are men. The median age of those who live in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL is 39.3.

Shopping in Lehigh Acres, FL

Lehigh Acres is home to several shopping centers that cater to the basic needs and more. The central shopping hub, the Homestead Shopping Plaza, offers a variety of retail stores, services, and dining options. For more specialized shopping experiences, residents often travel to nearby Fort Myers, where options expand to include major malls and unique boutiques. Common grocery chains such as Publix and Walmart are readily available, and local markets often feature fresh produce and seafood reflective of the area's natural resources.

Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL households

  • 41,466 Family
    15,177 Non-family
  • 19,190 Children
    37,452 No Children
  • 56,642Total Number of Households
  • 2.79Average People Per Household
  • $66,643Median Household Income

According to U.S. Census data, there are 56,642 households in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL. 41,466 are family households and 15,177 are non-family households. There are 19,190 households with children in Lehigh Acres and 37,452 households without children. On average, about 2.79 people live in a household in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL.

Transportation in Lehigh Acres, FL

Transportation in Lehigh Acres is predominantly car-dependent, with the majority of residents relying on personal vehicles to navigate around the area and commute to nearby cities. Public transportation options are limited, but LeeTran provides bus services that connect Lehigh Acres to other parts of Lee County, including Fort Myers. The nearest major airports are Southwest Florida International Airport in Fort Myers and Naples Municipal Airport, facilitating regional and international travel. For those looking to explore the natural surroundings, cycling and hiking are also popular due to the flat terrain and scenic landscapes.

Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL education statistics

The level of education of the population of Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL is as follows: 6% have no high school education, 39% completed some high school, 24% partially completed college, 10% have an Associate Degree, 14% have a Bachelor Degree, and 7% have a Graduate Degree.

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RentCafe is your one-stop shop for finding a great new apartment in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL. Easily search through a wide selection of apartments for rent in Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL, and view detailed information about available rentals including floor plans, pricing, photos, amenities, interactive maps, and thorough property descriptions. Property owners and managers are one click away, so feel free to contact them and find out all you need to know about the apartment you’re interested in. Browse Lehigh Acres, Lee County, FL apartments with rents starting from $1,200 and submit your rental application today!

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