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Apartments for Rent in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL
173 Rentals Available

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Average rent in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL

$1,379/mo Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL average rental price, November 2024
Image Average Rent

The average monthly rent for an apartment in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL is around $1,379.

Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL apartment rent ranges

A share of 14% of apartments in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL have the cheapest rents between $701-$1,000. Around 4% of rentals are in the most expensive price range of > $2,000. Around 54% of Westside Jacksonville’s apartments have monthly rents between $1,001-$1,500. There are 27% of apartments with rents between $1,501-$2,000.

Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL rent trends

Getting around in Westside Jacksonville, FL

6 /100
18 /100
Minimal Transit
26 /100
Somewhat Bikeable
Walk Score®: 6, Transit Score®: 18, Bike Score®: 26

Frequently asked questions

When were prices and availability in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL last updated?

Prices and availability in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL were last updated on 16 Jan 2025.

What are the best apartments in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL?

The best apartments in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL are: The Finley, Oakleaf Plantation Apartments, Treeline Trails, Westland Park and Riverside St. Johns.

What is the average rent in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL?

The average rent in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL is $1,379.

What is the price range for a studio apartment in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL?

The price range for a studio apartment in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL is between $1,075 and $1,235.

What is the price range for a 1-bedroom apartment in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL?

The price range for a 1-bedroom apartment in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL is between $985 and $2,680.

What is the price range for a 2-bedroom apartment in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL?

The price range for a 2-bedroom apartment in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL is between $999 and $2,491.

What is the price range for a 3-bedroom apartment in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL?

The price range for a 3-bedroom apartment in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL is between $1,161 and $2,680.

What type of rental buildings are in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL?

In Westside Jacksonville 41% of the housing is rented out compared to 59% of homes are owned, according to the most recent Census Bureau estimates. 7% of Westside Jacksonville’s apartments are found in large buildings of 50 units or more, 51% are located in smaller apartment complexes with less than 50 units, and 35% are single-family rentals.

Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL demographics

  • 203,210Total Population
  • 105,050 Female
    98,160 Male
  • 36Median Age

In total, Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL has 203,210 residents, 105,050 women and 98,160 men, per U.S. Census recent estimates. Statistics show that the median age of Westside Jacksonville’s population is 36.

Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL households

  • 48,345 Family
    30,459 Non-family
  • 24,090 Children
    54,714 No Children
  • 78,803Total Number of Households
  • 2.76Average People Per Household
  • $60,728Median Household Income

There is a total of 78,803 households in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL. Of these, 24,090 have children and 54,714 are without children. Per Census Bureau’s most current estimates, 48,345 family households and 30,459 non-family households live in this area. The size of a household in Westside Jacksonville is 2.76 people, on average. The median household annual income in Westside Jacksonville equals $60,728, and the monthly housing costs equal $1,208.

Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL education statistics

According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 3% of the population in Westside Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL have no high school education, 39% went to high-school, and 28% have partially completed college. Moreover, 10% of the population hold an Associate Degree, 15% hold a Bachelor Degree, and 6% hold a Graduate Degree.