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Apartments for Rent in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR
25 Rentals Available

  • Top Rated for Location
    Rent Specials
    a kitchen with stainless steel appliances and granite counter tops at Watermark at Steele Crossing, Fayetteville, 72703 a bedroom with a large bed and a ceiling fan at Watermark at Steele Crossing, Fayetteville, 72703

    150 East Dunbar Lane, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $1,349+
    2 BEDS $1,714+
    3 BEDS $2,314
    Property reviews
    5/5 Rob on Sep 5, 2024

    The entire team is on their game. If you need an apt, ask for Jaris! You will understand if you are lucky enough to meet hm.

    5/5 Anonymous on Aug 1, 2024

    Located in the best part of Fayetteville. Close to restaurants, shopping centers, and the interstate. Overall is a quiet complex and the staff is amazing.

  • Today

    324 Village Lake Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $715
    2 BEDS $775
  • Today

    2996 N. Gregg, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $750
    2 BEDS $790
  • Today

    200 Village Lake Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $775
    2 BEDS $870
  • 1 day ago

    4097-1 Cadillac Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $815
    2 BEDS $1,050
  • Today

    150 East Dunbar Lane, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $1,349+
    2 BEDS $1,714+
    3 BEDS $2,314
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  • Today

    4097-1 Cadillac Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $845
    2 BEDS $930
  • 1 day ago

    4097-1 Cadillac Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $1,075
    2 BEDS $1,295
    3 BEDS $1,545
  • Today

    2034 Parkshore Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $760
    2 BEDS $875
  • Today

    Unit 1, Fayetteville, AR 72701
    4 BEDS $3,000
  • Today

    3911 N Old Missouri Road, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $1,075
    2 BEDS $1,295
  • 1 day ago

    2090 N. Chestnut, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $645
    2 BEDS $715
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  • Today

    2655 North Althea Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72704
    1 BED $795
    2 BEDS $845
  • Today

    986 W. Bob Place, #2, Fayetteville, AR 72704
    1 BED $705
    2 BEDS $760
  • 1 day ago

    986 W. Bob Place #1, Fayetteville, AR 72701
    1 BED $705
    2 BEDS $760
  • 1 day ago

    2797 Coy Kaylor Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $760
    2 BEDS $875
  • 1 day ago

    3729 N. Crossover, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $860
    2 BEDS $1,005
  • Today

    4311 Valley Lake Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $705
    2 BEDS $760
  • Interactive banner rent
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  • Today

    2541 East Kantz Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $670
    2 BEDS $745
  • 1 day ago

    2541 East Kantz Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $670
    2 BEDS $765
  • Today

    2541 East Kantz Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $670
    2 BEDS $745
  • 1 day ago

    2541 East Kantz Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $705
    2 BEDS $760
  • Today

    4081 Johnell Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    1 BED $705
    2 BEDS $760
  • Today

    2217 North Crossover Road, Fayetteville, AR 72703
    2 BEDS $1,450
  • Interactive banner bedroom
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  • Today

    3906 Celeste Drive, Springdale, AR 72762
    1 BED $1,056+
    2 BEDS $1,178+
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Popular searches Average rent Renters guide Demographics

Average rent in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR

$1,101/mo North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR average rental price, November 2024
Image Average Rent

The average monthly rent for an apartment in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR is around $1,101.

North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR apartment rent ranges

A share of 3% of apartments in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR have the cheapest rents between $501-$700. Around 9% of rentals are in the most expensive price range of $1,501-$2,000. Around 50% of North Heights’s apartments have monthly rents between $701-$1,000. There are 35% of apartments with rents between $1,001-$1,500.

North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR rent trends

Getting around in North Heights, AR

34 /100
47 /100
Somewhat Bikeable
Walk Score®: 34, Bike Score®: 47

Frequently asked questions

When were prices and availability in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR last updated?

Prices and availability in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR were last updated on 14 Feb 2025.

What are the best apartments in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR?

The best apartments in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR are: Watermark at Steele Crossing Luxury Apartment Homes, Lakeside Village I/II, Appleby and The Greens at Lakeside Village.

What is the average rent in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR?

The average rent in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR is $1,101.

What is the price range for a 1-bedroom apartment in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR?

The price range for a 1-bedroom apartment in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR is between $715 and $1,739.

What is the price range for a 2-bedroom apartment in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR?

The price range for a 2-bedroom apartment in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR is between $775 and $1,889.

What is the price range for a 3-bedroom apartment in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR?

The price range for a 3-bedroom apartment in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR is between $2,314 and $2,449.

What type of rental buildings are in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR?

In North Heights, 60% of the residents are renting compared to 40% owning a home, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Large-scale apartment buildings with more than 50 units represent 6% of North Heights’s rentals, 72% are small-scale complexes with under 50 units, and 21% are single-family rentals.

North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR demographics

  • 1,273Total Population
  • 654 Female
    618 Male
  • 33Median Age

In total, North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR has 1,273 residents, 654 women and 618 men, per U.S. Census recent estimates. Statistics show that the median age of North Heights’s population is 33.

North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR households

  • 281 Family
    299 Non-family
  • 145 Children
    436 No Children
  • 581Total Number of Households
  • 2.18Average People Per Household
  • $70,251Median Household Income

There is a total of 581 households in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR. Of these, 145 have children and 436 are without children. Per Census Bureau’s most current estimates, 281 family households and 299 non-family households live in this area. The size of a household in North Heights is 2.18 people, on average. The median household annual income in North Heights equals $70,251, and the monthly housing costs equal $1,094.

North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR education statistics

According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 2% of the population in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR have no high school education, 26% went to high-school, and 20% have partially completed college. Moreover, 7% of the population hold an Associate Degree, 26% hold a Bachelor Degree, and 20% hold a Graduate Degree.

RentCafe is your one-stop shop for finding a great new apartment in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR. Easily search through a wide selection of apartments for rent in North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR, and view detailed information about available rentals including floor plans, pricing, photos, amenities, interactive maps, and thorough property descriptions. Property owners and managers are one click away, so feel free to contact them and find out all you need to know about the apartment you’re interested in. Browse North Heights, Fayetteville, Washington County, AR apartments with rents starting from $645 and submit your rental application today!

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