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Houses for Rent in Fargo, ND
7 Rentals Available

  • Today

    4408 Bluestem Ct S, Fargo, ND 58104
    3 BEDS Ask for Pricing
  • Today

    3024 Dakota Park Circle South, Fargo, ND 58104
    3 BEDS $1,395
  • Today

    2149 10Th St West, West Fargo, ND 58078
    3 BEDS $1,295
  • Today

    3417 15Th St S, Moorhead, MN 56560
    3 BEDS $1,625
  • Today

    1932 Belsly Boulevard, Moorhead, MN 56560
    3 BEDS $1,095
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  • Today

    3009 Covent Garden Street South, Moorhead, MN 56560
    3 BEDS $750
  • Today

    3579 58Th Ct S, Fargo, ND 58104
    3 BEDS $1,825

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Getting around in Fargo, ND

76 /100
Very Walkable
28 /100
Some Transit
53 /100
Walk Score®: 76, Transit Score®: 28, Bike Score®: 53

Great 3 bedroom houses near me

Looking to switch to a 3 bedroom apartment in your area? Moving places is a big change, so staying in a familiar area can be a relief. You can filter your search to find great 3 bedroom houses in the same ZIP code or neighborhood. Or, if you’re willing to literally go the extra mile, you can always expand your search and look for other available places nearby. Make sure to compare locations, sizes and prices to find the house that is the absolute best match for you. Regardless of what your preferences, chances are that your next dream home is right around the corner!

Top 3 bedroom houses for rent in Fargo, ND

With 7 3 bedroom houses in Fargo, you are bound to find your ideal match. Whether you’re living with family, looking to share a house with roommates or simply in need of more space for your day-to-day activities, a 3 bedroom house seems to be exactly what the doctor prescribed. Fargo has an average rent of $1,581, which means that you can opt for either a cheaper alternative, or a more luxurious house to call home for up to $1,825 per month. A 3 bedroom house gives you plenty of options – you can create a guest room, a playroom for the kids or an office for your remote job. Either way, your needs will surely be met by one of the 7 houses currently available in Fargo.

Browse through cheap 3 bedroom houses in Fargo, ND

3 bedroom houses can cost more than your average rental. However, there are affordable options that will keep you from breaking the bank, while still meeting your space and features requirements. Cheap 3 bedroom houses are actually available in some locations, so it is possible to find a really nice 3 bedroom home in Fargo, ND, where monthly rents starting as low as $750. Sort your search results by “Rent” ascending to see the lowest - priced listings first. While sharing the house and the rent that comes with it with a couple of roommates makes budgeting a lot easier, the cheap 3 bedroom houses available in Fargo, ND make it easy for families and couples to rent too.

Finding a home nearby is easier than you think. Check out our Apartments Near Me page and take your pick!
