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3 Bedroom Apartments for Rent in Lincoln Park, Decatur, Macon County, IL
3 Rentals Available


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Getting around in Lincoln Park, IL

6 /100
42 /100
Somewhat Bikeable
Walk Score®: 6, Bike Score®: 42

Frequently asked questions

What are the advantages of renting a 3 bedroom apartment in Lincoln Park, Decatur, Macon County, IL?

Renting a 3 bedroom apartment offers extra space compared to a 2 bedroom apartment, suited for a family or for sharing it with someone else.

What are the downsides of renting a 3 bedroom apartment in Lincoln Park, Decatur, Macon County, IL?

A 3 bedroom apartment is more expensive than smaller units and it usually comes with higher utility costs. You might be interested in studio apartments, 1 bedroom apartments or 2 bedroom apartments, or browse all RentCafe apartments for rent in Lincoln Park, Decatur, Macon County, IL.

Lincoln Park, Decatur, Macon County, IL demographics

  • 551Total Population
  • 289 Female
    261 Male
  • 39Median Age

In total, Lincoln Park, Decatur, Macon County, IL has 551 residents, 289 women and 261 men, per U.S. Census recent estimates. Statistics show that the median age of Lincoln Park’s population is 39.

Lincoln Park, Decatur, Macon County, IL households

  • 127 Family
    97 Non-family
  • 53 Children
    171 No Children
  • 224Total Number of Households
  • 2.35Average People Per Household
  • $54,304Median Household Income

There is a total of 224 households in Lincoln Park, Decatur, Macon County, IL. Of these, 53 have children and 171 are without children. Per Census Bureau’s most current estimates, 127 family households and 97 non-family households live in this area. The size of a household in Lincoln Park is 2.35 people, on average. The median household annual income in Lincoln Park equals $54,304, and the monthly housing costs equal $726.

Lincoln Park, Decatur, Macon County, IL education statistics

According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 3% of the population in Lincoln Park, Decatur, Macon County, IL have no high school education, 40% went to high-school, and 28% have partially completed college. Moreover, 7% of the population hold an Associate Degree, 15% hold a Bachelor Degree, and 7% hold a Graduate Degree.

Renting a 3 bedroom apartment in Lincoln Park, Decatur, Macon County, IL

Maybe you’re a freshman who wants to share an apartment (because living by yourself can get lonely -- and expensive), or maybe you just want more space for your expanding family. Either way, a 3 bedroom apartment is a good choice if extra living space is what you’re after. Needless to say, you get to enjoy the best of both worlds. These units are spacious enough for you to enjoy some much-needed alone time, but you will always have company. In Lincoln Park, Decatur, Macon County, IL there are 3 properties that offer about 3 3 bedroom units for you to choose from, so finding the right home has never been easier. The average size of a 3 bedroom apartment in this neighborhood is about 1,408 Sqft.

Cheap 3 bedroom apartments for every taste

To find exactly what you’re looking for, use the RentCafe filters to select only the properties that fit your criteria. So, if you want a cheap 3 bedroom apartment, set a maximum price and you will find only the apartments that fit your budget. Some cheap 3 bedroom apartments in Lincoln Park, Decatur, Macon County, IL rent for as little as $1,300, and with a little patience you’re sure to find the home of your dreams. If you’re looking for an apartment that’s close to public transportation, dining and entertainment, you’ll notice higher monthly rents. The same principle applies to furnished apartments in newer buildings that offer many amenities. By filtering the results, you will only be left with the 3 bedroom apartments that fit your lifestyle and your preferences. If you find the right apartment, don’t let it slip. Contact the property to check availability, and you can even apply online.

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