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3 Bedroom Apartments for Rent in Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL
31 Rentals Available


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Average rent in Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL

$1,402/mo Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL average rental price, March 2024
Image Average Rent

The average monthly rent for an apartment in Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL is around $1,402.

Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL apartment rent ranges

A share of 6% of apartments in Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL have the cheapest rents between $701-$1,000. Around 1% of rentals are in the most expensive price range of > $2,000. Around 65% of Wells Ridge’s apartments have monthly rents between $1,001-$1,500. There are 29% of apartments with rents between $1,501-$2,000.

Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL rent trends

Getting around in Wells Ridge, FL

54 /100
Somewhat Walkable
50 /100
Walk Score®: 54, Bike Score®: 50

Frequently asked questions

What is the price of a 3 bedroom apartment in Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL?

The price range of a 3 bedroom apartment is between $1,629 and $2,598. Search 3 bedroom apartments in Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL.

What is the average size of a 3 bedroom apartment in Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL?

The average Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL 3 bedroom apartment size is 1,118 sq. ft.

What are the advantages of renting a 3 bedroom apartment in Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL?

Renting a 3 bedroom apartment offers extra space compared to a 2 bedroom apartment, suited for a family or for sharing it with someone else.

What are the downsides of renting a 3 bedroom apartment in Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL?

A 3 bedroom apartment is more expensive than smaller units and it usually comes with higher utility costs. You might be interested in studio apartments, 1 bedroom apartments or 2 bedroom apartments, or browse all RentCafe apartments for rent in Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL.

Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL demographics

  • 42,278Total Population
  • 21,490 Female
    20,788 Male
  • 39.5Median Age

In total, Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL has 42,278 residents, 21,490 women and 20,788 men, per U.S. Census recent estimates. Statistics show that the median age of Wells Ridge’s population is 39.5.

Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL households

  • 11,337 Family
    4,263 Non-family
  • 5,121 Children
    10,479 No Children
  • 15,600Total Number of Households
  • 2.68Average People Per Household
  • $67,370Median Household Income

There is a total of 15,600 households in Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL. Of these, 5,121 have children and 10,479 are without children. Per Census Bureau’s most current estimates, 11,337 family households and 4,263 non-family households live in this area. The size of a household in Wells Ridge is 2.68 people, on average. The median household annual income in Wells Ridge equals $67,370, and the monthly housing costs equal $1,147.

Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL education statistics

According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, 3% of the population in Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL have no high school education, 31% went to high-school, and 33% have partially completed college. Moreover, 12% of the population hold an Associate Degree, 15% hold a Bachelor Degree, and 7% hold a Graduate Degree.

Renting a 3 bedroom apartment in Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL

Moving to Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL and need a place to rent? Looking for a spacious, open, well-lit 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment on a quiet street, close to a park, grocery stores and a good school? Your family can choose one of the 31 apartments available for rent in the neighborhood. The average rent in the area is $1,835. Moreover, the apartment buildings in the area can range from historic courtyard style to sleek new modern architecture, so there is something for every taste. Do you also want a washer and dryer in the unit? Covered parking? High-speed internet? All these amenities and more can be taken into account in your search if you select them at the top menu, under the “more” tab. Into sustainable living? Select only apartments that have efficient appliances and electronic thermostats. Like to exercise often? Select only properties that have a fitness center or sports courts. All this can be accomplished under the “more” tab to make your search easier and faster.

How to find cheap rent in Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL without sacrificing on quality

With an increasing demand for rentals, rent prices seem to keep going up. That’s not to say that good deals are a thing of the past. To find cheap 3 bedroom apartments in Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL, you should first select the amenities and features that are important to you. Then sort the results list by rent, ascending. The lowest rents in Wells Ridge, Bellair - Meadowbrook Terrace, FL are around $1,308 per month. Browse the lowest priced listings first. Also look for the orange dollar sign, which flags properties that offer limited time specials on rentals. However, these apartments rent fast, so it’s important to act right away. Contact the property directly from the website or apply online today so that you don’t miss out on a great deal.

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